Kawaii Cal Pal

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"Hi, darlings! I'm Zoella and this is Calum!"

"Hi, guys!" Calum smiled and did little spirit sprinkles.

"Today, Calum and I will be giving each other makeovers! He's going to make me over right now for this channel and I'll make him over for his channel. We have all sorts of different cosmetics that we will be using for this event. We have our robes and fluffy headbands to avoid getting makeup on our clothes or in our hair. And now we're ready. So let's get started!"


"Ok, so I'm actually gonna do a pin-up girl tutorial on Zoey, because I know she'd look flawless in it, as well as she does in everything."

"Awe! Calum, you're too sweet."

"Thanks, love."


"First, we start with a clean face, because that's an essential in the pin-up look. We've both already washed our faces so there's no need for that," Calum grabbed the face balm. "Next, we want to apply a gentle face cream or balm to add moisture to your skin. We're currently using 100% Pure Organic Healing Moisturizing Balm and it's only like $25." Calum opened the jar and scooped a small dollop onto his fingers before rubbing them together and applying the balm evenly onto Zoella's face.


"You're supposed to use concealer to, well, conceal you blemishes in this step, but as you see here, Zoella is blemish free. Therefore, we're skipping this step."


Calum next took the powder foundation in Zoella's skin tone and powder brush. "Now, we're gonna apply a thin layer of powder foundation onto her face. Remember that pin-up girls happen to look effortlessly natural, so don't overdo it with the foundation. Just a light coat is fine." Calum unscrewed the canister and dipped the brush into the foundation, lightly shaking to remove excess and applying it evenly onto her face.


"Next, and this is important, is eye primer. Eye primer is the first thing you put on your eyes. Key word - prime."

"And here I thought you understood makeup lingo." Zoella laughed. Calum followed suit.

"I didn't know how else to word it," Calum grabbed the eye primer and unscrewed the cap. "Anyway, this was pretty much made specifically for this look, but if you don't have any, that's ok. You can always apply a fine layer of stick concealer instead. And as I've said before, don't overdo it. It'll create awkward crease lines. But what we're gonna do in apply a bit on the eyelids and gently rub to blend it in with your skin tone." Calum dabbed his middle finger into the small container and diffused it around each lid.


"Zoey's eyebrows are the perfect shape, but what we wanna do is fill her brows in with an eyebrow pencil in a shade or two darker than her hair color. Here, I have a medium brown pencil with her name on it." Calum uncapped the eyebrow pencil and carefully shaded in her brows without smudging the rest of her makeup.


"It's light taupe time!" Calum cheered, holding an opened eye palette in one hand and the shadow applicator in the other. "Now that the eyebrows are finished, apply it over the entire lid and right below the brows. I know, this kind of contradicts the whole 'no applying one color shadow' rule thing, but believe me, we're not done with the shadow yet." Calum lightly pressed the applicator to the light taupe and began applying the shadow over Zoella's eyelids.


"Now, you're gonna take a darker brown and applying it to the crease and out above just to cover the bone like so." Calum smiled as he demonstrated the instruction.

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