Around the World

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Link to outfit on the side....

It is under the cover and named external link. Click on it to see the outfit.

Lily’s POV

arriving outfit

The plane touched down at LAX and I was excited. I was back in California for another awesome convention to meet more of my viewers, and hopefully see some ones I’ve met before as well. It had been a long flight from Georgia, but it was totally worth it. I walked off the plane into the busy terminal and waited for my iPhone to come back to life as I headed over to baggage claim. All I really needed for VidCon was my small carry-on suitcase, but after all the gifts I had gotten from meeting viewers at other conventions, I knew better than to pack without extra space. As my iPhone turned on, I checked for the time. I was surprised to see that it was only 12 pm, but then I remembered the three hour time difference between here and home. I picked up my things and headed over to rent a car to get down to Anaheim where my hotel was, and where VidCon was being held. After a 45 minute drive, I finally arrived and started unloading my things from the car.

"Need some help with that?" A voice asked. I spun around startled by the voice and came face to face with a tall guy. His hair was brown and styled to the right with hazel-green eyes, a smile on his face, and when he spoke I thought I heard an accent in his voice. "Hi, I’m Finn," he said, and stuck out his hand.

Yup, he definitely had an accent. British, by the sound of it.

"Lily," I managed to say, and shook his hand.

"So, Lily, do you need any help?" He asked again.

"Mmm," I thought about it for a minute. "Yeah sure that’d be great thanks," I accepted. I didn’t really need Finn’s help, but it would move things along quicker. As Finn pulled my suitcases out of the trunk, I walked around to the passenger side door to retrieve my laptop and camera bag, and walked back to Finn.

"These two are so light, it’s almost like there isn’t anything in there!" He exclaimed.

"Well only one of them is empty, so you’re partially right about that," I answered him, laughing a little.

"But why travel with an empty bag?"

"Well my sub-" I started, then stopped. I didn’t want to have him think I was bragging, and he might not even know what YouTube is for all I know. "I get a lot of things when I travel, so I need some place to put them so they can get home with me safely. Plus I’m going to Disneyland at the end of the week and I’ll probably go home with a lot of Disney haul." I explained. Better to play it safe than to come across bragging.

"Oh really? Me too!"

"That’s awesome! Maybe I’ll see you around then?" I said. I needed to go check in and settle in to make a video for my main channel. Even though I’m three hours behind my normal time, I still felt like I needed to rush, even though I had plenty of time.

"Yeah, maybe." Finn responded.

"Well, I’ve got to go check in. It was great meeting you Finn, and I hope to see you in Disney!"

"You too Lily," Finn said, and I went inside the air conditioned hotel to check in.

Finn’s POV

'I can't believe I just met THE LilyRose and had a conversation with her! Jack is not going to believe this. I just met his crush before he did. Oh man he's going to be mad!' I thought to myself. 'I'm not that surprised she didn't recognize me though, she said she didn't watch a lot of YouTube herself for creative purposes in one of her videos.' I pulled out my iPhone and texted my brother.

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