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It was a long day at the studio. I recorded two songs that took four takes each and was now walking down the street towards my apartment. The winter breeze sent a chill down my spine, whipping through my hair and hitting my cheeks.

Suddenly, I heard tires screeching and a loud honk. I looked over to where the noise was coming from just in time to see two cars barely miss each other, one speeding off and the other colliding into a pole. "Shit!" I exclaimed, running over to the car to make sure the driver was okay. She was slumped over the steering wheel, blood appearing to come from the large gash on her forehead. "Hey! Are you okay?? Hello?? Can you hear me?" She was unresponsive. I pulled out my phone, immediately dialing for an ambulance, the cold glass pressed to my cheek. "Hi! There was a car wreck, the driver is unconscious. We need an ambulance!" I was frantic, unsure of how bad the situation was.
"Sir, calm down, can you tell me your location?"
"On the corner of Park Avenue and 6th Street. Please hurry!"
"An ambulance is on the way. Is there anything else you need?"
"No I don't think so."
"Okay, I'm going to hang up. The ambulance will be there in two minutes."
The line went dead and my heart was racing. What the fuck do I do? I rushed back over to the girl, looking to make sure she was breathing. It appeared she was, but she was still unconscious. Finally, as if the heavens decided to bless me, I heard the sirens.

The ambulance arrived, three paramedics hopping out. Two of them ran over to the girl, and the other to me. "What happened? Do you know her?" He asked in a calm voice, trying to get information. "No, I don't know her. I just heard tires screeching and a horn honking, so I turned around and saw one car almost hit her car, then she swerved to avoid them and hit the pole. That's all I saw." He nodded, and we both looked over to the girl. The other paramedics had pulled her out of the car and laid her onto a stretcher before loading her into the back of the ambulance. I debated going with her, wondering if it would be weird when she woke up, but decided to go anyway.

I climbed into the ambulance, sitting in a chair beside the stretcher before the ambulance sped off towards the hospital.

When we arrived, the hurriedly unloaded her, rushing her into the hospital and me walking quickly behind them. We rushed through a long hallway, coming to a waiting room. "You should wait here in case she needs surgery," one of the paramedics said, gesturing to the waiting room. I nodded, watching them continue wheeling her until I could no longer see them.

I took a seat in the empty waiting room, looking over at the magazines perched on the table beside my chair. I shuffled through them before grabbing one with an eye catching headline. "Yungblud dating Cara Delevigne?!" it read. I snorted to myself. Can't I just have friends without the media freaking out? I sighed, reading the article full of lies. My eyes started getting heavy, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

"Sir? You're here with the car wreck patient?" I was startled awake to see a female nurse standing there, staring at me. I nodded, rising from my seat. "She has a broken arm and is still unconscious. She had her wallet on her, so we discovered her name is Cassie Elwood. If you would like to see her, follow me." I nodded again, following the nurse down the hallway and to room number 613. "She's right in there." I thanked her, slowly opening the door and entering the room. There she was. Cassie. The gash on her head was stitched up, and she looked like she was sleeping. She was actually quite beautiful. Her green hair was spread across the pillow, her chest slowly rising and falling. I sat in the chair beside her bed, watching her. "I don't know if you can hear me, but my name is Dom. You were in a pretty bad car wreck. I hope you wake up soon. Sorry if it's weird that I'm here." I sighed, unsure of what to do. I just felt like I needed to be here, like I was obligated.

An hour or so went by with nothing changing, and I was getting restless. I started humming, then the humming turned to singing.

Locked me in a room since I was young
I've never seen the morning sun come up
I'm employee of the month at a ritalin club
Yeah why do you think I'm so messed up

Suddenly, she started stirring. Slowly, her eyes began to flutter open.

Cassie POV

I slowly began to open my eyes. What happened? How long had I been out? I looked around, realizing I was in a hospital room. As I scanned my surroundings, my eyes landed on an unfamiliar face. There was a man here. He had emerald eyes and dark brown hair in a messy mop. He wore a black shirt, black pants, and bright pink socks. He looked familiar, but I just couldn't place his face. Did I have amnesia? Oh god what if he's my husband and I've been out for years. "Hi.." I started, "I'm so sorry I don't remember you. I must have amnesia..We must be married I'm guessing? Look, I know you're in love with me, but I need some ti-" "Woah let me stop you there. I'm Dom, we're not married. You've only been out for a few hours. You were in a car wreck and I saw it happen. I'm not in love with you," he laughed. I let out a sigh of relief, trying to sit up some in my hospital bed. I paused, suddenly remembering who Dom was. "Wait, you're Yungblud," I said, looking at him. He nodded, "Guilty. Do you want me to sign something? Your cast maybe?" "Actually, no offense but I'm not a fan. I don't really know you, I just remember seeing your face. You're dating Halsey right?" "We actually broke up a bit ago." I nodded, feeling awkward.

There was a brief knock on the door before a nurse walked in, thankfully interrupting the akwardness. "Hi, I see you're awake. I called your boyfriend and he's on his way to see you," she said, and I wanted to hide. "He's actually my ex," I sighed, wishing I could disappear. Just then, there was another knock, and in walked Harry Styles himself. Any normal girl would be dropping their panties at the sight of him, but considering he cheated on me, mine were superglued to my legs. "Cassie, I'm so glad you're okay!" he shouted, rushing over to my bed. The nurse slipped out, leaving me alone with Dom and Harry. "Oh, I'm sure you are. Shouldn't you be with your new girlfriend? Or did you cheat on her too?" I spat, looking away from him. He looked at the ground sheepishly, then looked over at Dom. "Who's this?" "This is Dom. He basically saved my life. You can go now," I said, glaring at Harry. He sighed, nodding and murmuring a, "You know I'll always be here," before walking out of the room.
"Holy shit you dated Harry Styles??" Dom says, looking at me in astonishment. "Yes? But he cheated on me so," I shrugged, suddenly regretting the decision when a sharp pain shot through my arm.

///three hours later///

"Okay Cassie, it looks like you're clear to go home." the nurse said cheerfully. Dom had stayed with me, and even though I wasn't a fan and didn't understand the hype for him, I was grateful. "I'll order an uber," he stated, helping me off the bed. We walked to the front doors, walking out and heading to the waiting car. "Hey Dom, do you think you could come with me? I'm going to need some help since my arm is broken and I really don't want to ask Harry," I asked, ashamed. He simply nodded, giving me a sweet smile before helping me into the car and getting in behind me.

Tongue Tied: d.h.Where stories live. Discover now