Cassie POV

We got out of the car, heading up the driveway to my house. Fortunately, the hospital had given me my purse which had my house keys in it, which Dom was carrying because I "only have one working arm and I don't want you to tire it out."  He fished my keys out of it, unlocking the door for me.

We walked inside, Dom setting my purse on the counter. "This is going to sound weird, but I really need help changing out of my shirt. Will you please help me?" "Of course love. It's not weird at all, you have a broken arm," he giggled. Fucking giggled. It was the most adorable sound I had ever heard. He first grabbed the sleeve on my broken arm, carefully pulling it over the cast and off my arm, then the other one. Next, he slowly pulled it over my head and I thanked every being in the universe I had a bra on today. He was taking extra care not to look, and even though I appreciated it, I couldn't help but feel a little self conscious. As if he read my mind, he murmured, "I'm only looking away to be respectful, don't worry." I nodded, walking to my bedroom with Dom close behind me. We walked over to my closet, he pulling out different shirts and me shaking my head until he pulled one out that I liked.

He helped me get it on, then we walked back to the living room, plopping down on the couch. I turned on the TV, flipping to the movie channel. There was a Harry Potter marathon on, and we happily watched it.

Before we knew it, it was midnight. Dom was snoring on my shoulder, and my eyes were starting to close. I let myself drift off, not caring that there was a stranger on my couch with me.

I awoke in my bed, the events from the day before filling my mind. I remembered falling asleep on the couch with Dom, but how did I end up in my bed? I slid out of bed, fixing my hair as best as I could with my good hand before walking out of my room and to the kitchen. Dom was nowhere to be found, but there was a note on the counter.

I had to go to the studio, but I'll be back around noon. I went and got some donuts this morning, they're on the table. See you in a bit!

Dom x

I looked over at the table, seeing a box of donuts. I smiled to myself, walking over to them and pulling out a sprinkle donut. I sat on the couch, eating the donut before grabbing my phone and checking the time. 11:50. He'll be here soon. I moved my body, laying on the couch fully and closing my eyes.

I heard the door open, opening my eyes to see Dom in the doorway. "Welcome back," I smiled. He returned the smile, "I want to take you out to eat. Like a 'Glad you're alive' kind of thing. My treat." I nodded. "Okay, when?" "How about in an hour?" "Okay." I sat up, getting of the couch and heading towards my room. I stood in front of my closet, staring at the clothes. "Hey Dom?" I called, "I need your help again."  He came into the room, bouncing up and down and making me laugh. He was actually pretty cute. I might even say hot. Okay, who was I kidding. He was very hot. He caught me checking him out, a smirk playing at his lips. "Like what you see, love?" I rolled my eyes, raising my good arm above my head so he got the hint. He skipped over to me, slowly sliding my shirt from my body.

He helped me get changed, and then he called an uber.

We got in the uber, Dom telling him the name of the restaurant. When we arrived, Dom hopped out, then helped me out. We walked inside, the hostess ushering us to a booth in the back. "So tell me about yourself," Dom said, his piercing green eyes meeting mine. "Um, okay, what do you want to know?" "What's your favorite color?" "Black." "Hobbies?" "Writing and drawing." "Favorite movie?" "Beetlejuice." It went on like that, even after we ordered our food and after it came to the table.

We ate peacefully, Dom still asking questions and me asking him some in return. Time had seemingly flown by and our meals were long finished. Dom payed for the food, then walked me out.

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