Cassie POV

It had been a week since my talk with Harry and becoming Dom's girlfriend. Dom was leaving to go to tour tomorrow, and I was become more depressed as it drew nearer. "Cassie, what's wrong sweet?" Dom asked as I unloaded the dishes from the dishwasher, the sleeves rolled up on the sweater I stole from him. "You leave for tour tomorrow," I sighed, putting up the last dish and turning to look at him. "I know. I wish you could come with me," he returned my sigh, giving me a pout and wrapping his arms around my waist. "I know, but you know I can't. Who would take care of the house? Besides, I have a few modeling gigs coming up." He nodded, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to my lips. Our lips moved in perfect unison, and before I knew it, Dom had me sitting on the counter, him standing between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands running up and down my sides. I grabbed his hips, pulling them closer to mine. He picked me up from the counter, not breaking the kiss as he carried me to my bedroom, gently placing me on the bed and climbing on top of me. He ground his hips into mine, causing us both to moan softly. He sat me up slightly, pulling my shirt off my body and leaving kisses all over my neck.

Soon, we were out of breath, our clothes in a mess on the floor. "I'm going to miss you," Dom whispered, breaking the silence. "I'm going to miss you too."

//Time Skip//

Dom loaded is last suitcase into the car, turning towards me after he does so. He pulled me to him, giving me a kiss. "What am I going to do without you?" I asked, hugging him close to me. "I'm asking myself the same question." The car honked, signaling it was time for Dom to leave. He gave me one last kiss before getting in the car. I watched them drive away, then went inside.

//Two Months Later//

Dom would be back in one month and I was counting down the days. I missed him ridiculously. I decided to call him. The phone continued to ring before going to voicemail. I sighed, hanging up. This was becoming to regular. His texts were getting fewer and fewer and he was answering my calls less and less. I was lucky to get a "Hi" maybe once a week.

I was scrolling on my phone when I saw an image that explained everything. My heart nearly stopped. It was Dom, kissing another girl. She had long blonde hair and was wearing a short skirt. His arms were around her waist and hers were around his neck. I stood, throwing my phone onto the bed beside me and standing up. I was not about to do this. Not again. I grabbed a box, gathering all of Dom's things one by one, tossing them in the box. I grabbed pictures of us and put them in the box as well as anything he had given me. Then, I loaded the box in my car and drove to Dom's house. I pulled the box out of my car and carried it to his doorstep, placing it there and sighing, tears beginning to fall down my cheeks. I got back in my car and started driving, no real destination in my mind. Before I knew it, I was parked in Harry's driveway. I decided to text Dom before going inside. I pulled my phone out, no notifications from him. I was sure he was enjoying his new girlfriend. I scoffed, sending a text.

Dom, we're done. I can't believe you would do this to me. I hope you're happy.

I then turned my phone off, getting out of my car and walking to Harry's door, knocking quickly. The door opened, revealing a shirtless Harry. I couldn't even get any words out, just began sobbing. He quickly pulled me inside and to the couch, pulling me into his lap as I cried on his shoulder. "Shhh love, shhh. What's wrong? What happened?" "He..He cheated on me, Harry," I managed to squeak out. "Oh no. Oh no no no," He responded, hugging me tighter. We stayed like that until I finally calmed down. "Do you know who it was with?" I shook my head. "He was kissing some blonde girl at a party." Harry nodded. "I fell in love with him, Harry. I love him. How could he do this to me?" "Because he didn't realize what he had until it was too late," Harry murmured, and I could tell he wasn't talking about Dom anymore. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, and I wasn't pulling away.

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