Cassie POV

It had been two weeks since Dom got back from tour, and instead of spending time with me, he was out partying almost every night, not coming home until the early hours of the morning. This time, however, he was more drunk than usual, and there was a fresh hickey on his neck. "What the fuck is that?" I shouted, pointing at the reddish purple bruise. "Nothing! Mind your own business!" "Dominic, I know that's a fucking hickey. I can't do this anymore. You already cheated on me once!" I continued to yell, my eyes brimming with tears and my face becoming red. I could tell he was sobering up. "I didn't do anything! Adam did it because we were drunk and he thought it would be funny!" "You expect me to believe that bullshit? I'm leaving." I stormed to our now shared bedroom, gathering clothes into a suitcase. "Cassie, please don't go, I swear I'm telling the truth!" I ignored him, zipping up my suitcase and walking towards the front door. "I need time," I said, turning to look at him. He nodded, and I left. I drove to Harry's house, tears flowing freely down my face.

When I arrived, I pulled out my suitcase, walking to the door and giving it a light knock. It opened quickly, showing a shocked Harry. "What's up Cass?" "Can I stay here for a few days? I need space from Dom," I said, looking at my feet. "Of course, love. You know you're always welcome." He stepped aside and J entered his house, walking to his bedroom to put my suitcase down.

// Three Days Later //

"You still haven't told me what happened," Harry started, nerves clear on his face. "He came home with a hickey." Harry gasped, giving me a shocked expression. "What the fuck?" "Yeah I know. He said it was Adam. He swore up and down Adam did it because they were drunk and thought it would be funny. I just don't know if I believe him. I mean, he's cheated on me once before." "Was he honest about it the first time?" "Yeah after he came home." "Then you have to trust him," Harry sighed, "Believe me. As much as I want to say fuck him and stay here forever, I know you love each other. I know he would tell you the truth because he wants to keep you." I nodded as Harry grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles. "Maybe he was telling the truth," it was my turn to sigh. Harry pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. "As much as I don't like the guy, I think he makes you happy. I think you should have a genuine talk with him and tell him exactly how you feel." "Okay Harry. Thank you for always being here for me." "Always, darling. Now let's get your things gathered and get you back home."

I opened the door of my house to see Dom sitting on the couch. He had been crying. "Dom," I whispered, "We need to talk." He nodded, scooting over so that I could join him. "First, I believe you about Adam. But don't ever let that shit happen again. Second, I'm tired of you partying every night. I just want to spend some time with you. Maybe we can both go to the club a couple times a week, but I need you here with me. I missed you." He nodded once more, grabbing my hands in his. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I wasn't trying to hurt you. You know that." "I know. Now come on, let's put on our pjs and watch Harry Potter."

The marathon ended long ago, and Dom and I were snuggling on the couch. He was sound asleep, and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I leaned further into him before allowing sleep to take over.

Tongue Tied: d.h.Where stories live. Discover now