Cassie POV

We arrived back at my house, and then I saw it. A familiar SUV was parked in my driveway. I sighed loudly, looking over at Dom. "That's Harry's car." He nodded in understanding, following me to the door, and, once I opened it, following me inside. There sat Harry on the couch, his eyes sad as he looked up at me. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he whispered, "but I see someone else is taking care of you now." I just looked at him, part of me wanting to hug him close and tell him I missed him, and the other part of me wanting to tell him to fuck off. I did miss him, terribly. He was the only person I had ever loved. He was my first. But he also cheated on me, and I had to remind myself of that. Besides, I was really starting to like Dom, as more than just a friend. "Harry, I'm fine. Please leave." He nodded, a tear falling down his cheek as he stood, walking towards my counter and placing the house key I had given him down before walking out the front door. Once he was gone, I broke down. I couldn't help it. Tears streamed down my face, and Dom put his arms around my middle. We sat on the couch, me leaning into him. "I really loved him, ya know?" I said through tears. Dom nodded, rubbing my back. "He was my first everything. First kiss. First love. He took my virginity. It just hurts because I don't love him anymore. He cheated on me with a model. A skinny, tall, beautiful model. It destroyed my self esteem. He broke me." Dom continued rubbing my back, letting me get it out before murmuring, "You're absolute gorgeous, you know?" I blushed through my tears, moving back a little to look at him. He raised his hand, wiping a few tears from my cheek with his thumb. He kissed my cheek, gently grabbing my hand in his.

/// One month later ///

Dom had been with me the whole time. Not leaving my side unless he had to run and grab clothes from his house or go to the studio to work on his album. It was nice having him with me. He made me smile all day and always made me laugh. He was such a sweet, genuine person, and I could feel myself falling for him.

We were at the hospital getting my cast and stitches removed. Dom held my free hand the whole time, whispering "It's okay, everything's okay," in my ear as I was freaking out. It took about 20 minutes, then everything was done and we were on our way back to my house.

"It feels so weird to move my arm again!" I exclaimed, repetitively bending and unbending my arm. "You're adorable," he commented, looking over from beside me on my bed. We were watching Hocus Pocus, but we weren't really paying attention. At least, I wasn't. I was too focused on shirtless Dom. "What're you staring at, love?" He chuckled, smirking at me. "Nothing," I replied quickly, feeling my cheeks turn bright red. He winked at me, pulling me into his chest and burying his face in my hair. "Hey Cassie?" He mumbled, gently pushing me back to look at me. "Hm?" "Can I kiss you?" I stared at him in shock, completely taken aback. All I could do was nod. He carefully placed his hand on my cheek, hesitantly leaning forward before delicately placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back, our lips moving in sync as my hand came up to play with his hair.

"I really like you," he whispered, pressing his forehead to mine. "I really like you too, Dom," I replied, my tone mimicking his. He smiled a bright smile, placing his lips on mine again. We pulled apart, his thumb stroking my cheek. Suddenly, my phone dinged indicating a text message. I pulled it out, looking at it. It was from Harry.

Hey Cassie. I want you back.. I still love you

I sighed heavily, showing the text to Dom. "Just ignore it, my darling." I nodded, locking my phone and putting it back on the nightstand.

Tongue Tied: d.h.Where stories live. Discover now