Cassie POV

I hadn't spoken to Dom in three months. Harry and I haven't slept together since that night after the bar, and I decided to move back into my house as Dom had moved back into his own. I was lonely, to say the least. That's what drove me to go to the club. I put on the shortest dress I owned paired with the highest heels and made my way to the club.

There were people everywhere when I arrived, but I had my mind set on dancing. I was grinding my hips to some song I didn't know when I spotted Harry at the bar. We hadn't spoken in awhile as I had closed myself off, but I decided to go talk to him. "Hey Harry."

"You look breathtaking," he responded, and I couldn't help but blush.

After a few drinks and some good conversation, I found myself seated beside Harry, both of us drunk and me giggling over something he said. That's when I saw Dom walk in. Chills went through my body at the sight of him and I realized exactly how much I missed him. Before I knew what I was doing, I muttered an "I'll be back," to Harry before my feet carried me to Dom. "Hey," I said, staring into his green eyes.

"Cassie? What're you doing here?" He murmured.

"I was lonely," I sighed, "And now I'm drunk and even more lonely than I was when I left home."

"I miss you," he blurted out, his eyes scanning my body. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

"I miss you, too," I confessed, unsure if it was the alcohol that made me be honest.

"Let me take you home. I took an uber here, I can drive your car," he pleaded, and I couldn't say no. Not when the urge to have his body on top of mine was the only thing I could think about. I nodded, and we walked out of the club.

When we walked into my house, all I could do was shove Dom against the wall, pressing my lips to his. The alcohol had worn off, but I was still so desperate to have his lips on mine.

He hesitated before kissing me back, practically melting into the kiss as his hands found my hips. I kicked my heels off, not breaking the kiss as I pulled him to my bedroom.

I pulled his shirt over his head, him unzipping my dress and watching it fall to the floor.

We were on the bed now, out of breath and covered in sweat. "God I missed that," I breathed, rolling over to look at Dom.

"I missed that, too. I missed you, Cassie. Please come back to me." He had pleading eyes, his hand running down my thigh.

"Okay," was all I could say before he pulled me into a soft kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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