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  "Will you be mine?" Kacchan spoke softly.
  "I-I.. Err.. Um." I fumbled with my words. What the hell am I supposed to say? He just revealed his true feelings to me with the sweetest words that has ever left his mouth.
  "Kacchan, I.." Heat flushed my cheeks. My legs involuntarily stood up and tried to run, but Kacchan snatched my arm back. The force gravitated me back towards him.
  "Deku, you aren't leaving without answering me!" His voice heightened, but I couldn't focus on anything other than him calling me 'Deku' again. 'Deku' is a nickname he gave me when we we younger. It's an insult meaning 'useless person' or 'good for nothing.' I may have come to terms with it and accepted it since then, but I know he has always meant it as an insult to me. Before I could process more thoughts, the grip he had on my arm loosened as he dropped it.
  "I-I'm sorry... It's a habit. I'll do better, I promise. You deserve that from me." Our eyes held each other's as tears formed in both mine and his. Then his arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me into a warming hug.
  "I know I'm a handful and I understand if you need time to think. I'm sorry." Sincerity coated his words. But, I didn't need time to think.
  "Kacchan," I removed myself from his arms.
  "I like Todoroki as well." I muttered with the tears overflowing. As soon as the words left my lips, I found myself hurled to the ground. Kacchan had shoved my shoulders forcefully.
  "Of course you like that bastard!" The sweat on his hands started sparking once more.
  "Get the fuck out of here before I do something I regret!" He turned his back to me. The nitroglycerin started sparking even more, nearly igniting.
  "I-I'm sorry, Kacchan."
  "Don't call me 'Kacchan' ever again." He asserted.
  "B-But Kaccha-"
  "Leave you fucking idiot!" He fired a controlled blast right beside me, missing me on purpose. Debris flew all around us. A sharpened piece of asphalt cut into my cheek, drawing blood to the surface.
  As the dust started to clear, I realized Kacchan was no longer around. Frantically, I picked myself up. Where did he go? I searched everywhere, but to no avail. Dammit Kacchan! Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner? I do care about you and I have always looked up to you, but... My feelings lie with Todoroki... I think?
  My knees crumbled to the ground as I grasped my head. Why is all of this happening at once? I couldn't help but sob from the thought of losing my childhood friend. What if he resents me even more now? What do I do? My head was spinning and my heart was aching. I felt like I let him down. He had been carrying these feelings for years without telling me. I couldn't imagine how heavy of a burden that must have felt. I now understood why he always pushed me away.
  Bzzzz. My cellphone vibrated in my pocket, pulling me out of my own head.
  Todoroki  18:38
  Did you talk with Bakugo?

  I gritted my teeth at the sight of Kacchan's name. I should probably reply so he doesn't worry.

  To: Todoroki
  Yeah, I did. I'm on the way home now.
  Delivered  18:39

  Immediately my phone vibrated again.

  Todoroki  18:39
  Did you find out what was going on?

  To: Todoroki
  No, he wouldn't tell me.
  Delivered  18:40


  Todoroki  18:41
  Oh okay. I was wondering if you'd want to meet up to train together tomorrow?

  How do I respond to that? I want to, but I don't want him to find out what's going on. I sighed deeply and propped myself up off the ground. I need to actually go home now. It's getting dark and I need time to myself.
  I entered my house and carried myself to my room. My mom wasn't home yet, thankfully. I didn't want to engage in anymore conversations. I wanted to sulk in my head alone.
  I stepped into my bathroom, greeted by my reflection from the mirror. The blood had dried on my cheek, but left behind a deep cut. I hope he is okay... Ran through my mind on repeat. I violently shook my head side to side as if to shake all of the suffocating thoughts. Maybe a hot shower would help?
  The steaming water rained on my face. Some of my stress melted away, but it did not calm my consciousness. I pressed my head against the shower wall. Whimpers drew from my voice before turning into a sob.
  I cried and cried throughout the duration of my shower. My heart wrenched from the pain. I have realized that I like Todoroki, but is there a chance I have always liked Kacchan? I tucked myself into my bed and closed my eyes. My brain began succumbing to sleep.

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