Be Honest

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  Shoto and I held each other's hands to and from Recovery Girl's office. She managed to heal his cuts completely, but not without leaving some rigid scars behind. The new scars seemed to cause Shoto displeasure. He was quiet for awhile.
  "Hey, you know I don't mind the scars, right?" I mentioned as we walked back to the dormitories together, "they may show all of the pain and abuse you've been through in your life, but they also show how you came out stronger each time." I smiled sweetly, "they tell your story, even though it has been a hard one to live."
  Shoto returned the smile, although it wasn't very convincing. "Thank you, but my scars ruin me. I can't hide them all," he rubbed his free hand over his burned eye, "but I try."
  "Shoto, your scars and burns are beautiful. Please don't feel like you need to hide them, especially not from me." My tone was serious, catching him by surprise.
  "Okay, I won't." His grip on my hand tightened anxiously, but I caressed my thumb over the back of his hand, causing him to loosen his grip and relax.

  We sat down together in the courtyard of the dorm, our backs pressed against a tree with our fingers still interlocked. Shoto had one knee propped up and I sat cross-legged. There was no communication, so I stared off in the direction of the school, lost in my thoughts. Did I offend him with what I said? He hasn't said anything since... I just didn't want him to feel bad. He sees his body as imperfect but I see it as flawless.
  "Izuku," his low voice mumbled, pulling my attention back to him, "you're so sweet, but you don't have to lie to make me feel better."
  "What? I wasn't lying!" My voice increased in volume, "I meant everything I said! I genuinely believe it and you should too. There's not a thing wrong with you!"
Shoto's face was shocked at my sudden uproar, but then smoothly converted to happiness.
  "Really? You really believe that?"
  "Yes! I do!" I tightened my hand around his to reinforce my words.
  He grabbed my waist carefully and placed me into his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me tightly. My heart pounded uncontrollably with our bodies so close together. The blood rushed to my cheeks as the realization kicked in, I'm actually dating Shoto now. He's officially my boyfriend.
  I peeked up at him, his eyes were drawn to the ground and his face was flushed like mine. Wait, is he actually flustered right now? But like, isn't that my thing? The corner of his lips pulled back into a little smile. Heh, that's adorable.
  "You paint me as somebody so amazing. This guy who is stable and capable of anything. I may not see it, but I'm thankful you do." He ran his tongue over his lips before dropping his eyesight to mine, "you make me want to be that person. You are so good for me. I can't fathom how you agreed to date me. I don't get good things."
  His blue and grey eyes were glowing with hope and sincerity. My lips magnetized to his, kissing him quickly before I yanked back.
  "I-I'm sorry!" I covered my face with my fists.
  "You have to stop apologizing every time you kiss me." His voice was stern with a hint of agitation. Oh no, I upset him. My heart sank and I felt like a child being scolded. I glanced away as tears stung my eyes.
  "I-I j-just didn't know if you wanted me to k-kiss you in public. I mean, n-nobody is out here but I-I didn't know if you wanted to be open." I stuttered and curled up into a ball, embarrassment taking over me.
  He gripped me tighter once he became aware of my distress, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. But, we are dating and I don't care what anybody says or thinks, as long as you don't?"
  "I-I don't. I don't care. I didn't know about you though." He pulled my chin back around to face him.
  "I don't give a damn. They can answer to me if they have a problem. I will kiss you anytime I want, in front of a crowd or in private." He smirked before gently planting his yearning lips on me. Our soft kisses flowed effortlessly.
  Shoto is constantly surprising me. I didn't think he would want us to be exposed since there are still homophobic people out there, like his father for example. Luckily, our classmates have implied that they don't care, even finding out some of them are also this way.
  "Hey," he murmured in our kiss before removing his lips from mine, "I want to know, what did I do or say that made you realize your feelings for me?" He asked.
  "U-Um well," I pondered for a bit, "I haven't thought about the exact moment, but I think it was our first kiss."
  "Oh?" His face was full of mischief, what is he thinking about?
  "Yeah, when I didn't want you to pull away I pushed back into you. I did it without really thinking. It came naturally."
  He smiled big and chuckled, "I didn't know I was that irresistible." I blushed harder, as usual. My face was sinking further into the pit of shame I put myself in.
  "Don't be embarrassed, Izuku. Be open to your feelings and sexuality. It's instinctive, after all. If you feel compelled to kiss me, anywhere, then do it. I won't ever push you away, no matter what."
  He brushed his fingers against my cheek, sending chills down my spine. His thumb then lifted my chin up more, exposing my bare neck as my eyes stared into the tree branches above us. He leaned in, his breath tickling me before his warm lips kissed my neck.
  I gasped carelessly. My heart thudded hard as every ounce of blood rushed away from my head. He trailed kisses down from my upper neck towards my collar. He stopped briefly before his teeth gripped into my skin, sucking it roughly. I squirmed and lightly moaned. An intense throbbing sensation shot straight to my groin.
  He released and pulled back to admire the sore purple hickey he left on me. His puffy lips curled into a smiled, "sorry, I couldn't help it. I had to mark you. I've been wanting to for so long."
  "Mm Shoto," I fluffed my collar up to hide it, still trying to recover my unhinged mind.
  "Don't hide it, flaunt it." He snatched my hands away and tugged down on my collar, revealing it once again, "it tells everyone that you're mine." His voice was low and husky.
  I shuffled in his lap. The swelling causing me problems and uncomfort in my crotch. I bit my lip. Shit, I'm getting hard. This is really embarrassing now.
  "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned.
  "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I subtly adjusted myself, praying he wouldn't notice. I need to do something before this gets worse.
  "Um, what restaurant are we going to tomorrow?"
  He perked up his eyebrow, confused at the random change of subject. Did I make that too obvious?
  "Kikko," he answered, "have you been there before?" His eyes were heavily analyzing me. I attempted to stiffen my body to prevent displaying any signs.
  "Isn't that in Tokyo?"
  "Yes, is that okay?" Confusion rattled his face.
  "Yes, that's fine. I'm excited." I smiled joyfully at him, somewhat forcing it to hide my true issues. He smiled back, looking at my neck again.
  "Good. You'll like it." He rubbed his thumb against his bottom lip, showing off his sharp teeth before smirking. His eyes fell down my body and momentarily focused on the spot I was trying so diligently to hide.
  "Did I cause that?" His voice was so teasingly seductive. Dammit. Of course he noticed. I fumbled out of his lap and sat a few spaces away, hiding my face between my knees.
  "Izuku," he scooted behind me and wrapped his arms back around my waist, "please don't be embarrassed. Trust me, it's flattering." He said calmly, but I buried my tomato face further down.
  "I'm sorry, you're just so innocent and you get flustered easily. I love it, but I'll stop teasing you."
  "Shoto, I-" I paused, "I kind of like when you tease me."

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