Accidents Happen

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  Shoto and I sprinted full speed from the dormitory to the classroom. Needless to say, we were out of breath by time we reached the entrance. A typical five minute walk became a single minute run.
  "We made it on time." I announced between each gasp of air.
  "Yeah, a little early actually." He replied. We took a moment to recover our breath in the hallway. The chatter of our classmates boomed from inside the room and echoed out through the door.
  "Ugh, now I'm all sweaty and hot." I grumbled as I fanned myself with my hand. Shoto smirked and quietly chuckled, locking my attention onto him.
  "Nothing." He answered with a bigger smile.
  "No, tell me."
  "Okay, if you insist," he chewed on his lip while his eyes wandered mischievously, "we're both sweaty and panting, kind of like we just had vigorous sex before coming here."
  "Oh uh." More heat absorbed into my already flushed face. Is everybody going to think the same thing?
  His chuckle transitioned into soft laughter. "Come here," he cupped his right hand over my cheek. The coolness from his quirk helped lower my body temperature almost immediately.
  "Mhm, it feels nice." I mumbled while nuzzling my face against his chilly hand. He then slid it down from my face to my neck, reducing the heat there as well.
  "I'm sorry for flustering you with what I said. It was my second thought when you said you were hot and sweaty."
  "Second? What was the first?"
  "Are you sure you want me to tell you?"
  Probably not but curiosity wins, "yes."
  "Heh okay," he swayed in closer to my ear, "my first thought was what if we did have sex and that was the real reason you're all sweaty and hot right now." He licked his lips before curling them into a flirtatious grin.
  "Sh-Shoto." The blood flooded right back into my cheeks.
  "Hey, you asked. Don't punish me for obeying." A husky laugh exhaled from his lungs.
  I sunk my face further away from his view, but he gripped his cold hand under my jaw and lifted it, "don't hide yourself from me. You're adorable when you're being teased."
  He proceeded to embrace my lips, kissing me passionately. My heart accelerated with his sudden touch. Ugh, it's getting hot again. Why is he so hot. Why are his lips so tender. Why does he make me lose all composure of myself. I can't think straight.
  While still kissing me, he stepped forward and forced me back against the wall, pressing his body weight onto me to hold me there. What is he doing?!
  Our kiss intensified from sweet to sensual instantly. He cupped both of his hands around my neck as he used his strong jaw to pry mine apart. He then slid his tongue in and gripped it around mine, but I refused to react.
  "Sh-mmm-oto." I muttered as I tried to break the kiss.
  "Play with me." He demanded, growing rougher with his tongue. I can't get away. He has me completely pinned. Why does he insist on displaying so much affection in public?
  He repeatedly flicked his tongue against mine, begging for my attention. He does this exact motion whenever I deny him. Ugh, why does he want my tongue so bad?
  "F-F-Fine." I admitted defeat and tangled my tongue around his. The satisfied laugh that vibrated his vocal chords and into our kiss made me smile. As much as I didn't want to submit, his reaction to me giving him what he wanted was insanely cute.
  "Enough of that." A deep and hazy voice startled us both. Immediately, Shoto's weight lifted off of me, "get in your seat."
  Mr. Aizawa had snatched Shoto by the back of his collar and thrusted him into the doorway.
  "Midoriya," he shot me with an evil eye, "go."
  I hurried into the room with my tail tucked between my legs. Dammit, that's so embarrassing. That's exactly why I wanted to stop our kiss. I brushed away the mixed saliva on my mouth and kept my head hung low.
  Once I sat down, I picked my head back up. Kirishima was propped up on Kacchan's desk and Kacchan had his hands grasped roughly onto Kirishima's hips. They were making out without a care in the world.
  "Kacchan." I whispered.
  "Fuck off, Deku." He growled in his kiss with Kirishima.
  "But Kacchan," I attempted to warn him, but I was too late. Mr. Aizawa ripped Kirishima off of Kacchan's desk and hurled him towards the back of the classroom.
  "Hey, what the hell!" Kacchan snapped.
  "I'm only saying this once," Mr. Aizawa slammed his hands onto his desk, "I don't care what you do in your personal lives, but don't bring it into my classroom. As long as you're not getting anybody pregnant, contracting an STD, or having nonconsensual sex, I don't care. You're all teenagers and your hormones are spiked. I won't tell you not to have relationships or consensual sex because I know you're going to regardless. My only rule... Keep it out of my classroom and don't let it affect your classwork. Understood?"
  Everybody nodded in agreement, "okay." He folded his arms, "remember why you're here. Don't let your personal needs destroy your future. You want to be pro-heroes? Then act like one. Don't dirty this school's reputation because you couldn't control yourself in public."
  Not a single word was said inbetween Mr. Aizawa's lecture. Surprisingly, Kacchan didn't even bother to argue back, but I could faintly hear him growling.
  "Kirishima, get into your seat."
  I ignored the urge to glance at Kirishima, although I heard him scurry into his chair beside Sero and Tsu.
  Mr. Aizawa expressed a heavy sigh as his face beamed with irritation, "now that we've had a fantastic start to our morning, I think we should have a training day." He stopped, awaiting a response from his quiet students. "Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugo and Kirishima, I want the four of you to train against each other. The rest of you can work on strengthening your quirks. Go to the P.E. Grounds."

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