Be Good to Him

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  "Somebody better start talking. Now." Mr. Aizawa demanded, but none of us had the confidence to speak. His intense glare had us paralyzed.
  "Okay, since no one is willing to talk; Bakugo and Todoroki, go straight to the first floor and wait for me there. Do not mumble a single word to one another." His tone was severely agitated.
  Kacchan and Shoto obeyed without a single word of rebuttal, surprisingly. Kacchan casually stepped down the flight of stairs while massaging his throat. Shoto followed shortly after, but not before gleaming back at me. The pain that revealed on his face shattered my heart.
  This was all my fault. Kacchan's right, I am just an idiot and I fuck good things up. I destroyed the relationship Shoto and I started building and dismantled the childhood bond Kacchan and I had.
  "Midoriya," Mr. Aizawa started once their footsteps faded away, "tell me what is going on. Why do I keep finding the three of you in fights?" His voice was slightly calmer towards me.
  "I-I... Uh," am I supposed to I tell him? "I don't believe it is my place to say." I answered hesitantly.
  "I'm going to ask them the same thing once we are finished here. You might as well tell me your side of the story. I need to understand so I can find a resolution. I can't have my students fighting."
  "Well..." I paused for awhile.
  I did not want to tell him in case Shoto and Kacchan didn't want the truth to be known. If I said it, there's a chance it would make things worse, but I also understood his point. So, do I admit it?
  "Mr. Aizawa, I respectfully ask you to speak with them before me." I tensed as I prepared myself for an outburst. I knew I would get into trouble saying that, but I was not willing to ruin my relationships any further.
  "Okay fine," he sighed, "then you're coming with me."
  He snatched me by Shoto's hoodie that I was still wearing and drug me down each floor until we entered the common area.
  Kacchan was lounged back on the couch with his arms folded and his leg resting over his knee. His face was stern but emotionless. Shoto was on the opposite facing couch, hunched over with his hands cupped around his neck. He was immersed in his thoughts, clearly trying to comprehend the newfound information. The sight of him like that stung my chest. I really hurt him. Why did I do that? Why did I let that happen?
  "Bakugo. Todoroki. I am quickly losing my patience." He stopped briefly, "Bakugo, tell me what is going on. Tell me why this is the second time something has happened between you, Todoroki and Midoriya."
  Kacchan scoffed, "tch, you should be asking Deku over there. His dumbass is the reason behind it." He ended with an eye roll.
  "Very well," Mr. Aizawa harshly tangled Kacchan up in his scarf, "talk or I will tighten it until you can't breathe."
  "Ugh!" Kacchan struggled aggressively, but the scarf was steadily crushing his body. Mr. Aizawa was done playing games. Should I confess? I don't want Kacchan to keep getting punished because of me.
  Shoto inhaled a deep breath before muttering a sentence of incomprehensible words. In response, Mr. Aizawa released his possession of Kacchan, causing him to sharply inhale oxygen as his lungs decompressed.
  "What? You're talking too low, Todoroki. Come over here." Shoto hesitantly obeyed Mr. Aizawa and sat on the other end of the couch, away from Kacchan.
  "Bakugo and I have been fighting over Midoriya because we both like him."
  "... Oh." Mr. Aizawa was taken aback. Kacchan and Shoto refused to make eye contact with anyone.
  "In that case then," he cleared this throat, "all of you will be on house arrest for three days. You will be confined to your dorm rooms and there will be no communication between the three of you. Todoroki and Bakugo, you both are to change into your training uniform and meet me in the courtyard after I finish teaching this morning's class. Does everybody understand?"
  We all nodded together. Mr. Aizawa grumbled to himself before speaking, "all of you are young adults training to become professional heroes. You shouldn't be letting teenage drama prevent you from progressing towards your goal. This is going to put you majorly behind your classmates." He stood up before continuing, "heroes are role models in the eyes of citizens. They need to be disciplined and mature."
  Mr. Aizawa left us with those words swarming through our minds. The impact of realization struck all of our faces. We sat motionless in the silence for awhile, piecing together where everything went wrong.
  Kacchan was the first one to leave. He stomped his feet against each step on the stairs as he ascended them.
  "Shoto," I spoke softly, "I'm so sorry." I couldn't bare to look into his face so I kept my eyes on the floor. He swiftly stood up and climbed the stairs, completely ignoring me.
  That hurt. Bad. I gripped my arms around myself as I started quietly sobbing. The aching in my heart was so painful. I really messed up with Shoto, but I also have been falling behind as a hero. At one point in my life, becoming a hero was all I ever thought about. Lately, I've been so fixated on my feelings that I put school last on my priority list.
  A few moments later, I trudged up the stairs with my mind sinking into a pool of depression. I have fallen back to square one as a hero and a friend. Last night with Shoto was amazing, but in the blink of an eye I ruined it. He wouldn't even acknowledge me when I spoke to him. Would he listen if I professed that I want him instead of Kacchan? Will he ever talk to me again? My thoughts refused to stop racing around my head.
  Once I crossed into my room I gradually removed Shoto's hoodie from my body. The burn on my arm was already healing, thankfully. It was barely noticeable and didn't sting anymore. As I held onto Shoto's hoodie, the sweet scent of him pricked my nose and discharged a flashback of last night. I clung it close to my body, inhaling the smell while falling onto my bed. What if I permanently ruined everything? My eyes pondered through my room, noticing my phone that was still on my nightstand.
  Ugh, it's still early and I'm stuck in my room with all of these thoughts. I can't get away from them and I have nobody to turn to for comfort. Tears began pooling over and slowly dripping onto my pillow. I guess the only thing I can do is sleep, that is, if my mind will let me.
  I closed my eyelids as the last teardrops fell. My body and mind were exhausted from last night's sleep deprivation and the physical strain from separating Kacchan and Shoto earlier. I didn't realize it until I was resting on my bed for awhile. It wasn't very long before my body caved into the much needed sleep.

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