Chapter 7|The Guilt In Our Minds

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Hi guys!!! I hope you all enjoy the new chapter! Also I wanna thank you guys for reading we are already 300+ sooooooo THANK U!!!
Here you all get your own cookie! Also question what's everybody's favourite desert? Mines cookie dough ice cream!
Of course this picture is not mine! Alright let's get onto the chapter!

Ghost's POV

Me and the Grimm Child have collected all of the flames required.

But instead of going back to Grimm I decided to go to the hot spring in The Infected Crossroads.

Heading there is really dangerous but it's better then dealing with Deep Nest or the cold rain of the capital.

Also The Watcher lays there...

I have a bad feeling about it...

I must have spaced out to much and almost walked into spikes.

The Grimm Child bit one of my masks horns and pulled me back.

I stumbled backwards but The Grimm Child pulled me to my feet by my horn.

I looked at him and pulled him into a hug.

I wish I could speak....

Welp time to get up and go have fun at the springs.

I wonder what's in store for me.

Lil time skip

I unequipped The Grimm Child charm and just sat down on the bench staring at the spring next to me.

So much has happened...

Mostly because of Grimm and his troupe.

That's not bad of course a good break after murdering two bugs in their sleep is what I needed...

Going over it I'm fine with killing infected bugs but...

Those two dreamers weren't infected.

I just....

It's wrong and I know it!

But I need to help them....

I need to help...

I-I have to fix his mess and...

Help her end this kingdom's suffering.

I feel like something should be pouring out of my eyes....

I should be crying but...

That's one emotion I think I can't show...

I was spaced out looking at the nail sitting on my lap.

I couldn't stop thinking about them...

For some reason I can't really remember the time I was with my father.

I mean, I can remember some things but...

I can't remember much else.

They were little things...

None seemed important, other then one memory.

It's kinda vague but it's still there.

I should stop thinking about this...

Maybe I should go visit Hunter?

That might be nice.....

I probably shouldn't though.

I need to go see Grimm...

I'll get some soul first.

I set my nail down and go over to the spring stepping into the warm water.

Soon I had more then enough soul and got out.

Grabbing my nail and other belongings I leave.

As I walk I can't help but feel like I'm being watched?

It felt strange sure...

It's not like I've felt like this before.

DeepNest was terrifying with the feeling something is crawling on your back...

I saw something red quickly fly past me.

My mind instantly went to one certain bug.


I looked around happily for her.

Even if she had tried to kill me before she was my sibling.

One out of like a million but she was different.

Not just mothers but looks as well.

Also fighting style....


She can speak...

She is not made of void...

Made for a different purpose...

The list goes on and on but of course it will end at some point.

Everything ends at some point...

Then Hornet came out of the shadows and greeted me.

"Hello Ghost" She looked into the holes in my mask where my eyes we're.

I just watched her wishing I could speak....

She talked to me for a bit but soon she had to leave.

She had asked to use my map real quick.

I guess she has been looking for someone and they were somewhere around here.

I nodded and let her see my map.

She thanked me and left.

I was alone again, which felt strange to me....

Normally i would be fine with it but I felt strange.

I felt tired....

I need rest I guess that might be the problem.

I'll be back at Dirt Mouth soon....

Then I can rest on that uncomfortable bench that Elder Bug calls comfortable.

But I could could care less about that I needed rest.

I saw the chain that I normally used to climb back up.

But I felt lazy about climbing a chain today so I used my mantis claw and jumped up.

Soon I was at the top and immediately booked it to the bench.

(Me when I see a bench after fighting a boss or when I have literally one HP)

I sat down putting my nail down.

Soon my vision started to blur knowing that's what happens before I fall asleep.

Hi, how was the chapter? Okay so I'm posting this on Christmas where I am in the world sooooo..... Happy holidays to you all! And soon to be happy new year! Soooo see ya guys!

Oh btw here I do not own the pic btw.

Bye guys see you hopefully soon in the next chapter, oh one more thing I'm going to go back and edit some chapters soooo

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Bye guys see you hopefully soon in the next chapter, oh one more thing I'm going to go back and edit some chapters soooo... Just fixing any grammar or spelling mistakes hanging around bye!

Word count: 888

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