Chapter 2|Stories Worth Telling

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Hello everybody I had fun making the last one. I got to make a pretty good theory on my favorite video game ever. I hope you enjoyed last chapter! This one is the actual start of the story instead of the past of a broken kingdom. Let's start!

I do not own the artwork above.

Spoiler warning

??? Pov

"The end!" I said happily to the figures in front of me.

"But what happened to Ghost? Or Hornet and her the one you said was forgotten wait what about the Hollow Knight!?!" One of the young bugs asked before me.

The young bug was a little bee I was watching over for her colony she's a little bit of a trouble Maker.

The other two bugs were a baby ladybug I was holding rocking my arms back and forth keeping her calm.

The other is a young cute moth both I was watching for there tribes.

"Well I guess I can tell more, but firstly let's get Roseau to bed hm?" I told the two happy bugs.

Roseau is the ladybug and the Bee is Floral and the moth is Mela.

"Oh! I wanna help!" Mela said and jumped up and down happily and I smiled she has been practicing dream casting with her father lately.

I do wanna see how she has improved since she last showed me her abilities.

"Do you wanna give Roseau good dreams hun?" I asked expecting a yes she nodded.

"I wanna see you do it Mela!" Floral said and started to fly up.

"It's going to be so cool please Amulet!!!" Floral continued with a huge smile.

"Alright let's do that then" I said letting them follow me into another room.

Sometime later

"Alright you two get comfortable this one's a long one" I say sitting down on the many pillows around me.

"Uh Mrs Amulet?" Mela asked, I looked at her and tilted my head.

"Yes Mela?" I ask she looks up at me and responds with "why do you wear a mask?"

"Oh well... I just think it fits me" I say smiling and run a finger down one of the lines on my mask.

Of course no one could see me smiling through the mask but I like to think they can see I am.

"I think it does to!!!" I laughed a little and thanked her to which she smiled to and nodded.

"Can you tell the story now please?" Floral asked politely while making a nest out of pillows for her and Mela.

"Alright alright let's start then shall we?" I ask in response I get a yay from both of them telling me to start.

"Alright where do I start? Oh right once upon a time..."

"The Wrymm was gone...

His subjects started to beg and pray he would return...

The kingdom fell into ruins and soon a Troupe came to the ruined kingdom.

The Troupe was filled with amazing and unique bugs and they had beautiful acts and talents.

They used fire in their acts it was amazing the fire was the most interesting part of their acts.

The Scarlet Fire...

That's what they called it.

But let's get to talking about an far more interesting bug then any other in the troupe.

A Flickering Story (Ghost x Grimm) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora