Chapter 22|Void Given Memories

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Hey guys!!! This chapter is the last ending, but it's not the end of the book! I'm going to do something with the Nightmare King fight and Absolute Radiance possibly more to! Hope you all enjoy!

Grimm's POV

Where is he?!

I've talked to everyone and no one has seen him!!!

Well not everyone maybe Hornet knows?

I have no idea where she may be...

Perhaps the village in DeepNest?

For some reason while editing the chapter and reading it over,
I spelled DeepNest, derpnest. Wtf

Everyone else here seems to be looking for him...

"I'm going to find Hornet she might be able to help!" I yell out before leaving just in case.

Walking out I take a deep breath.

"What is happening to this kingdom?" I question myself taking steps toward the Stag Station.

Once I do reach it I have the feeling I need to go down that old well instead...

An orange mist emerges from it.

Infection I'm guessing.

Knowing myself this will nag me until I do it.

So I jump down.

I hear a distinct screech it was faint?

I hit the ground and try to locate the sound.

Soon I'm in front some temple.

"That must be the Black Egg's temple!" I think out loud.

I turn around looking over at some infection vines along the walls.

"The infections source seems to be here, at least somewhere in the Crossroads." I say to myself breaking the silence.

"Correct Grimm." I hear a familiar voice respond out of nowhere behind me.

"Hornet?" I turn around seeing Love Bug's sister.

"Correct again." She responded, she looks stressed?

"You okay? You seem stressed..." She nods so I let out a sigh.

"I don't know where Little Shadow is, I was hoping you knew..." I say hoping she knew.

"I have no clue he will come here though, don't worry he can take care of himself." I nod and follow her into the temple where I see a door with three masks.

"Your right I've seen him fight." I respond standing in front of the door while she stands to the left of it.

"I have fought him twice, both times he won... You know he seems to predict some attacks, even though we never fought before hand..." She says out of nowhere which got me thinking.

"I guess, whenever he has fought an boss... Or stronger bug the rooms entrances close... He can't escape." I respond after thinking for a minute.


Ghost's POV

Is this what you wanted me to find?

Yep, familiar?

Yeah actually, is it an egg shell?

Yeah an vessel egg, can you guess who's it is?

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