Chapter 19|The Queen's Request

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Hi guys how are you all? I'm good hopefully you are to! I hope you enjoy the new chapter I have a surprise I will announce soon it's a gift for hitting 3k+ thank you again! Have fun with the new chapter guys bye talk to ya in the comments!

Grimm's POV

We are now at the moment back at Dirt Mouth she said she had a house here so we came back here.

She invited us in for tea I didn't mind but Ghost had water instead.

"So I am a hybrid... That creature you saw before was a Dragon Nosk they are very aggressive and normally attack any living creature they see. They mostly hunt Lifeblood Dragons though, I just got to close and got attacked." Scarlett explained.

I nodded and Ghost took a sip of water "so your a dragon to? Or at least part dragon?" I question.

"I'm part dragon part void actually, my kind evolved into dragons for reasons... Well mostly him but Dragon Nosks to." Ghost went wide eyed.

"H-Him? As in P-Pale Wrymm?" I become confused and ask who this is Ghost asks me if I'm being serious.

"Yes I am I don't know who he is!" I tell out and they both look at each other.

"Okay Grimm I'll explain, he is the idiot who claimed himself as king of this land... No votes nothing they were persuaded by false promises. He also was well Hero's dad not a good one though." My eyes go wide.

"You're that bastards son?!?! I mean I know what that guy did already but your his kid I only knew about the Hollow Knight being his kid..." I say I didn't know he had another and a daughter to because of Hornet...

"N-No me them a-and Hornet are not the o-only ones.... They're are m-millions of u-us..."

"WHAT WHERE?!?!" My eyes were wide open and was pissed what did he do to them all?

"Well you see they are not with us anymore they have moved on to the next stage the Abyss..." Scarlett explained again.

"That place under that palace?" I frown as Love Bug nods.

"Wow.... This guy is a bastard... Why did he make so many kids with his wife... Also what happened to her?" I question.

"He wanted the "perfect vessel" so he experimented and threw away any failures... Hero knows what the tests and being thrown away felt like." Scarlett explained and frowned.

"M-Mom ran away s-she hated what she a-and him we're doing... She is i-in the Queen's Garden's... I'm g-going to find her." I nod and hug him seeing him tearing up.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine Scarlett I needed to know now I understand Love Bug better... Thank you." I smile she does to though it's hard to tell.

"Your welcome Grimm!" I offered her to join the hug and she does so.

"G-Group hug!!!" Love Bug yells out happily.

"Group hug!" I tell after smiling.

"You guys are wired... you gotta scream it, GROUP HUG!!!!" We both flinch and break the hug Scarlett starts laughing I laugh to and Love Bug laughs to.

"We are w-wired? You a-are to!" Love Bug laughs.

"Agree" I responded smirking she punched my arm smiling.

"Hey!" I yell smiling.

"What?" She smirks and I pick Love Bug up and start to walk out.

"I'm going home and taking him with me see you later!" I responded happily.

A Flickering Story (Ghost x Grimm) Where stories live. Discover now