part 11

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Bela :aaaw Mahir look at the tiger there Bela said excitedly.
Mahir :mahir hold Bela
Bela feels mahir hands circle around my waist nd my back is pressed into a hard warm chest. His lips are pressed on my neck from back, where he made a hickey and his warm breathe is melting my insides.
Mahir :bela this is your punishment
Bela :I never expected it to be this Mahir, I said in almost a whisper.
Mahir :yes bela (in husky voice) bela:leave me. Everyone is watching us, I whispered again. Trying to pull his hands away from my waist. But his hands are so hard.
Mahir :No. Never. I don't care  nd he suddenly turned bela around and was about to kiss bela
Bela : So mahir this is the punishment huh? Kissing me in front of everyone
Mahir:no I want everyone to know that you are mine  he said possessively and held me tight to him, nd if you think this is a punishment, I don't care, you should not have let your hair down,he said as he pulled my hair to another side, exposing the bite mark to everyone.
Bela :Okay. So, if I put my hair this side and expose the hickey to everyone, will you stop kissing me
Mahir :no Bela
Bela :mahir If you keep kissing me, my body is getting heated and I don't know what I will do! I may even kiss you back hard! My body will never be in my control whenever you are with me That's why I am telling you to stop kissing me 😂 I said and threw my hands in the air. I looked back at him and found him smirking.
Why is he smirking shit! Shit! Shit!  Did I just say that?!
Mahir :you feel what? Say it all once again
Bela : mahir
Mahir:i  want to hear those words again from your mouth nd he cornered me against a tree. I pressed my back into the tree, while blushing furiously. I looked down at my feet in embarrassment.
Bela pov :He won't stop until he makes me say it again. I should do something. I lift my head up. "No! I won't! Why should I?", I said trying to look at him seriously and to maintain an arrogant face.
Mahir:bela you will say! And you know why? Because you are my secretary and you will do as I say! Now say it again", he demanded as he brought my lips closer to his while lifting my face with my chin. My breathing hitched and I kept looking at his eyes and back at him. He stared deep into my eyes, once our eyes met. Desire is clear in his eyes. He stared at my lips at that time bela phone ring
Bela : papa I'm going out with my friend vish
Ravi: Bela beta...ok take care
Bela : OK papa  Bela cuts call
Bela :Let's go mahir
We started walking and went to watch other animals. I came to zoo when I was ten years old and now again. We walked around. I felt him taking my hand and holding it. He intervined our fingers. I looked at our hands and then at him. His face doesn't show any expression. He is just watching the animals.
Mahir : bela What are you looking at?bela :Nothing
Mahir :ok it's already afternoon. Let's go to do lunchnd mahir pulled me with him.
Bela :Ok
We both walked through the zoo and came out. We got in the car and pulled off. The car ride was silent. I don't know why, but Mahir is so silent. The only sound that can be heard in the car is the air conditioner and the sound of gears when he pulled. Soon the car stopped in front of a star hotel.

Mahir came and opened the door for me. He extended his hand for me to take. I took it happily and he gave the keys to valet to park it. We went inside and Mahir take me to a table, while holding me by my waist. He pulled out a seat for me
Bela :Thank you mahir
Mahir: He went and sat in his seat, in front of me. A waiter came. Sir, I am Sam. I am your waiter. What is your order sir? he asked while clicking on his pen. I want one plate of wet chicken wings. Two plates of ...he kept saying our order and I sighed before looking away. I lifted my head up and found that the waiter is staring at me while writing down on his notepad.  😡 His gaze irritated me.. Is it all sir?, he asked Mahir
I gazed up to look at Mahir He looks like he is angry, so angry. "No. I also want your head on my plate 😂 Which I will have myself if you don't stop looking at my girl
he said the last words angrily and stood up from his seat to beat Sam.
Bela :bela quickly got up from mahir seat to stop him. I put my hands on his bicep.mahir  It's okay. Leave it I said while rubbing his hand and he seemed to cool down a bit. The waiter left with a scared look on his face.

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