part 26

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Rohini : bela take care...all are went to their rooms
In behir room
Bela: mahir i want ice cream
Mahir:no bela... You have fever so don't eat ice-cream..
Juhi: jiju lunch?
Mahir: ok juhi we are coming

mahir:mahir picks bela in his arms nd went to downstairs

bela:mahir what are doing i will walk please

mahir:bela your health is not good

all are smiles

mahir feeds bela

all are went to their rooms

in behir room

mahir:mahir gives medicines to bela

rohini:mahir beta i will takecare bela you can sleep

mahir:no ma i'm here na i will take care bela

bela:mahir you can take rest..already you have an headache 

mahir:bela now i'm ok

they argue for sometime

rohini:ok bela mahir if you need anything ask me

mahir:ok ma

rohini:rohini kisses bela forehead nd went to her room

mahir:bela now you can sleep

bela:no mahir i didnt get sleep

mahir:bela close your eyes

bela head on mahir lap

mahir caresses bela's hair ...after some time bela slept

mahir kisses bela forehead nd he slept

at night bela body temperature increases

bela murmures mahir mahir..

mahir suddenly getup 

mahir:bela are you ok what happen to you why you are shivering...

bela didnt respond 

mahir cries to see bela position

mahir calls to doctor

mahir:doctor bela temperature increasing i dont know what to do

doctor:mahir nothing will happen ...first close all windows and switch off ac ..covers three bedsheet and take some hot water ..nd massage her body temperature decreses

mahir:ok doctor ...

mahir closes all the windows and went to bela cover with three bedsheet

mahir went to kitchen and take some hot water nd went tonroom

mahir take some clothe nd massges her body

then bela temperature some what decreases

mahir went to bela nd hold her tightly

mahir removes bela clothes nd mahir clothes...

mahir hugs bela tightly... nd he rubs her whole body

both drift into sleep

after one week bela perfectly  fine

bela:mahir now i'm perfectly fine so we will go for our home

mahir:ok bela 

behir went to sehgal house 

promo:movie time with bela nd hot romance 

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