🖤 Araceli Thea Carlos 📷

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ROLE. ~ The Photographer

FULL NAME. ~ Araceli Thea Carlos

AGE. ~ 20

BIRTHDAY. ~ January 11th

ZODIAC. ~ Capricorn

GENDER & PRONOUNS. ~ Female, She/Her


FACE CLAIM. ~ Dulce Maria

 ~ Dulce Maria

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PERSONALITY. ~ Araceli is a free spirited, bubbly girl. She always carries a smile and tends to always look on the bright side. She's very social and loves to be surrounded by her friends. She looks down on those that are simply rude. She loves spending time with her family, including her twin brother, even though he could care less. Because of how innocent she is, she is always being taken advantage by others. Even then she'll never realize it till they abandon her once they're done. However that still doesn't stop her from being kind to others. She's very dense when it comes to relationships and has never really liked anyone in her life. She considers everyone her special friends and confuses the feeling of love as family love. She's very brave, and never backs down from a dare. Though she can be extremely clumsy, always tripping over her feet. But she'll just act as if nothing happened, and get right back up. She's never happy with her photography and always believes she could do way better.

FLAWS. ~ She can be gullible, being taken advantage easily, She's naive to situations, oblivious when it comes to love, a complete klutz, gives one too many chances to untrustworthy people, Complete Perfectionist

BACKSTORY. ~ Araceli grew up in a loving home. She was born only a few minutes after her twin brother. Growing up she has always been the happy-go-lucky one out of the two. Though, someone had to be considering how her brother is. The two are inseparable, even though her brother does tend to act like she's a pest. She got teased a lot, and still does with how gullible she is. And yet she still never learns to be cautious.

When she was six, her parents divorced. It wasn't for any negative reasoning, just that they didn't love each other like that anymore. And it wasn't long before their father dated and married someone else. Araceli was ecstatic while her brother was skeptical about their new stepmother. Though it wasn't long before, they received a baby sister thus completing their family.

Now after spending most of her time with her family, she finally decided to step out of the nest. As soon as she turned 19, she traveled the world, starting her own blog. After a year though, she decided to head back to her birth city, to be closer to her family.

LIKES. ~ Her twin, Animals, Singing, Photography, Beautiful Sceneries, Music, Bright Colors, Dancing, Baking, Her Husky, RomComs, Lilies, Sweets, Children

DISLIKES. ~ Animal Cruelty, Bullies, Bitter Foods, Being Interrupted, Losing her loved ones, Heavy Metal, Bees, Cats, Horror Movies


Shower by Becky G

•She's allergic to cats
•She loves singing but is too shy to do it in public
•She's fluent in Spanish
•She has a weakness for bad boys
•She has a pet husky named Dee

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