🖤 Valeria Estefania Cruz 💻

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Valeria Estefania Cruz


August 22nd



Danna Paola

FACECLAIM ~Danna Paola

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She's a kindhearted soul, with no ounce of hatred within. She's an easy going girl that loves to put a smile on people's faces. She treats others with kindness even those rude to her. She loves to have a good time, and hang out with her friends. She carries a charming smile and will do anything for those she loves. Vivi hates confrontation, and will do anything to avoid it. However she can be stubborn at times, which can be a surprise to some. She may be kind but she's not a push over. It takes a lot for her to get angry, like it's super rare. She cares for her loved ones dearly and will protect them with her life.

Viviana can also be calm, cheery, and a bit naive. Blogging and Photography is her life. Believing every photo holds a story, she always sees the world behind her camera lens. She's always up for an adventure, not caring if it's dangerous. She has a heart of gold. Always willing to help others, even if it means risking her life. She believes it's better to always look at the bright side. She doesn't like to be told what to do or even follow rules. She prefers to run free and listen to her instincts. But even then, when it comes down to it she will listen to others and help out. Vivi spends most of the time strolling at night when the moon is out and about. She loves to bathe herself with moonlight, which helps her clear her thoughts. She'll even sing to herself to make the night better. She'll never betray you, she'll stay loyal till the end. She's a fighter not a runner.

•Chews the inside of her check
•Always gets herself in sticky situations whenever it comes to taking the perfect picture
•Hides behind her camera
• Daydreams a lot, reason why she blogs about anything but herself

Photography, Writing, Blogging, Friends, Cooking, Baking, Sweets, Starry Nights, Sunsets, RomComs, Reading, Being behind the set of a movie, Animals

Being interrupted, Bullies, Snakes, Horror Movies, Enclosed Spaces, Confrontation, Storms, Being told what to do, People always thinking she's dating her Stepbrother

Astraphobia - fear of lightning and thunder
Claustrophobia - fear of confined or crowded spaces

She thought she needed to break free from her daydreaming and decided what better way than a fake dating show. Plus there would be a lot to blog about and her stepbrother's manager thought it would be a good idea for both of them to be on there. To show they aren't dating.


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