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Yes, I rather like the sound of that."
Sebastian says mockingly.

I suppress a smile. However I suspect I am doing a poor job seeing Sebastian's sly smirk.

"If you haven't taken leave of your senses, I strongly advise you to guard your tongue Michaelis. Erase all the absurd events of last night from your memory Or.... "

Sebastian raises an eyebrow in question.

"Or... I could always do it myself. Do not forget what I am capable of Mr. Michaelis. I have taken your memories once and I am most certainly not afraid to do it again."

"A rather small retribution seeing as I get to see you so flustered Ms. Silverado." He says.

He enjoys my embarrassment a little too much. One of these days I will be the one embarrassing him. I simply cannot wait to see that pale face of his beet red from humiliation.

"Have I told you I studied the art of belly dancing for three years in Egypt?"

Sebastian suddenly puts down the dish in his hand.
It seems I have fully caught his attention.

"You should be nice to me Sebastian or that is something you will never be able to see."

I jump from the kitchen countertop and turn around ready to make my dramatic exit when suddenly something falls out of my pocket and makes a loud CLANG as it hits the ground.

I take the object from the ground.
It is Anubis' tungsten locket.

My smile slowly fades as I am reminded of my current reality.

"You know... I cannot stay here for much longer. I must go and find him. Now that I have this information I feel that I need to or I will always wonder. There are so many questions I seek answers to."

Several doubts cloud my mind.
Is leaving the manor a sensible idea? Suppose I do find my father, he will most likely have no idea who I am.

If my mother erased my memories, there's no doubt my father's memories are long gone as well.

All this aside, I have no idea where this man could possibly be.

Sebastian brushes his fingers through my hair. He then tilts my chin upwards so that I am looking into his eyes as if telling me to relax my mind and focus on him.

"Would you do me the favour of coming out with me tonight?"

"I'm not sure Sebastian...I-"

"One final time before you take leave?"

I nod my head yes.

"Excellent, meet me in the garden at the stroke of 12."


I walk into the garden and take a seat on the iron bench next to the daffodils. The cool evening breeze blows through my hair and carries the light scent of the flowers along with it.

I tilt my head back looking up at the stars and take a deep breath in.

I take the carriage clock from my pocket and glance at the time. It reads 12:01. I pull at the hem of my scarlet dress lifting it upwards and cross my legs.
Impatient, my index finger traces along the intricate designs of the garden bench.

" I think it's time you reveal yourself.
I know that you are never late." I say aloud

"They say beauty is best admired from afar."

I turn my head and suddenly there he is sitting beside me on the bench, his leg just a hairline from mine.

"However, I never really cared for human customs."

He stands up and extends his hand out toward me.

"Would you do me the pleasure of walking with me?"

I nod my head yes and accept his invitation.

As we are exiting the garden, he then removes one of his white gloves, pulls a single red rose from his pocket, and twirls it between his fingers. I notice that the stem of the rose has had each thorn carefully cut and removed. He then tucks it behind my ear.

The rose smells sweet and the coldness of his hand lingers on my hot skin.

"Just as I expected, it goes quite nicely."

I smile.
I then place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"Is it possible you knew that this is what I would wear tonight?
I thought I was the Gypsy Sebastian."

"When nearly all your things are packed away it makes it quite easy to assume Ms. Silverado."

I forgot I had readied my luggage in preparation to leave tomorrow morning.

We continue to walk long along the city streets and talk. I laugh as we reminisce and I find openings to make jokes.

Eventually we come to an abrupt stop in front of a little cobblestone house.

There is a single candle lit and I can see through the window very faintly. A man sits and writes in a book. His back is hunched over and he looks very tall. His torso towering over the tiny desk and a mop of curls hanging over his eyes.

"Who is this?" I ask

"This is Mr. Amon Hassan." He replies

I raise an eyebrow in question.

"Otherwise known as Osiris Silverado.

....your father."


I'm back y'all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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