Tamago Sando

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When I decided to move to Japan from Dallas, Texas, everything in my life went wrong. I assumed it was the universe trying to tell me my quarter life crises wasn't a good enough reason to pack up all of my belongings, sell my house and car, and leave my family to move across the world to a small island that I only studied from afar. But how could I not? My life was a routine of simplicity that I just couldn't take anymore.

I left my wonderful parents who lived in the suburbs to go to community college where I got a degree to teach. I found a school near the house I bought and taught high school students day after day English and grammar. When I would go home I continued my studying and found myself falling in love with the culture of Japan.

On my own time I taught myself the language and dreamed of the day where I could find the time and money to visit this interesting country. But I came to realize there was no need to wait! I was a young woman who didn't have to support anyone but myself. My boyfriend at the time worked constantly and used the other part of his time to play games online with his friends. I didn't mind it because we were both adults who had separate needs, I was never the clingy type and he fully supported a long distance relationship .

Then my parents made sure to let me know it wasn't a good idea, my car broke down so I didn't get as much money for selling as I was hoping for, and I found out my boyfriend was sleeping with not one but two of my coworkers. It wasn't hard to let him go but the feeling of stupidity drove me mad enough to leave even sooner. I still think about it, I still get mad that a man I didn't even love made a fool out of me.


Blinking a few times I remembered my place in the convenience store line and looked at the bored old woman who waited patiently for me to snap back to reality. Peeking behind me at the few people who were waiting I smiled and took out my small coin purse. Counting in my head I ignored the beeping of scans and handed the money to the woman. Her fingers worked fast to hand me my receipt and bag. So I slightly bowed my head as a thank you and left.

Taking a deep breath I examined the few elderly men that rode by on their bikes and used my hand to flap my sweater, any kind of movement made my skin just slightly cooler. Japan was beautiful but the heat was almost unbearable, especially to someone who grew up in the northern part of America.

Opening my egg sandwich I took a big bite before looking at my watch to see my time running out. I had only been in Japan for a few weeks but my schedule was now becoming regular which made my anxiety and nerves finally start to calm down. I had two classes in the morning and only one after lunch so it gave me time to get something to eat and do some reading on my walk back. Currently, I was indulging in a classic Jane Austin novel that I could barely put down.

"I had that for lunch too Sensei."

Covering my full mouth with my open book I let my eyes smile for me at the group of girls joined the walk. "Did you do the exercise at home with your parents?"

They giggled trying to speak English but they improved every day and seemed to really enjoy the language. "If I said yes would you believe me?" Yeo moved her hand to cover her teeth as she laughed. "I read with my okaasan."

"With your what?" I stopped in front of the girls and raised my eyebrow.

"My mom Sensei."

Opening the door to my classroom for them I tapped their heads with my book and made my way to my desk. "Does she like when you read with her Yeo?" I asked in Japanese. I felt it was only fair to give their minds a break with English and help myself out with my own studies. All my students made sure to correct my mistakes and to talk slowly when I was having a hard time understanding.

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