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Flipping the exam I read over what one of my students had written as an answer and rolled my eyes. Sometimes I felt like they thought the class was a joke, they barely put in effort whereas every other class they put in too much effort. There was this odd balance of education in Japan that I hadn't figured out, testing was everything while their mental health was put on hold. It seemed that made them have this odd reaction learning really useful things. I assumed it was just my American mind not being able to comprehend how hard they push themselves to work.

"Don't try to be the good guy love." Amy popped the top of her beer off and kicked her feet up on the small table.

"You're right." I threw off my glasses and took a sip of my half drank bottle. I could feel her skeptical eyes peering over at me so I looked over slowly "what?"

"There's something different." She smiled and put her beer on the table to get a better look at me. "Are you seeing someone?"

I tilted my head and froze while trying to look like that was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, the problem was I was a horrible liar and she could clearly see through my troubled face.

"You slut." Shaking her head she bit on her lip and patted my knee. "Give me the details."

It hadn't occurred to me the way it would sound if I openly admitted to others I was sleeping with an 18 year old girl that lived on a farm and attended my classes. I could see why Akira was so afraid about it and I didn't want to inconvenience the relationship in any way. Amy was right, I was happy and less anxious. There was no way I would let people get a whiff of a scandal so that they could tear us apart.

Luckily my phone rang from the kitchen saving me from the medaling woman that knew something was up. Putting my beer down I ran to get it in time and furrowed my brows seeing an unknown number. I put it to my ear even though it seemed shady. "Hello?"

"You come for..." the old man paused and I heard Akira whisper on the other end. "Dinner. You come for dinner." I cheesed harder than I ever had but stopped seeing Amy looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I would love to, what time?" I turned so she couldn't see me and faced the wall as I listened to rustles. Her grandfather had become impatient and didn't seem to want to try any more English.

"Can you be here in an hour?" Her soft voice sang through to me. There was such a difference in the way her voice presented itself compared to the grumpy man.

"Yes, can I bring anything?" I asked.

Listening to her ask that question to her grandfather in Japanese I turned slightly to still see Amy staring at me but now with crossed arms.

"You can't have soda!" I heard her say.

Amy started walking over and I fast walked around the kitchen to the living room where she followed

"I can bring Soda!" I said running to my bedroom and closing the door.

I could almost hear the smile through the phone. "He can't have it."

Sitting on the edge of my bed I held the phone as close to my ear as possible and smiled at the floor knowing she was so close to me, my excitement grew knowing I would be physically near her soon. "I can't wait to see you."

I could hear the rattling of the old phone that still sat connected to the wall. "You might bring an extra change of clothes." She whispered.

Biting my bottom lip I nodded even though she couldn't see me. My eyes shot to the bottom of the door where a piece of paper flew through. "I'll see you soon." Hanging up I threw my phone down and grabbed the note.

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