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The sun was about to set and my patience was on the verge of wearing very thin, I like to consider myself a woman that knows how to be calm and tolerant but right now my anxiety couldn't take it. I paced from one side of the small bridge to the other and looked around just waiting to see Akira's face. Sometimes I would get my hopes up and think I see her but they would keep walking and I would be embarrassed.

I almost felt stupid. I was outside in a secluded park waiting for a young girl to come meet me, other than her being my student and being so young she was taking to many of my feelings and molding them with her hands even if she didn't know she was doing it. Did I let Everett do the same thing? The last thing I wanted was another relationship where I think I'll live happy every after but I only get worn and more tired. How could this young girl be any different? She's probably never been in anything serious, how can I expect her to act when she doesn't even know.

"You got the map."

Jumping I turned to face the girl who spoke so softly I barely heard her. "I did."

Her school uniform still covered her body, the white blouse unbuttoned a little more than usual and her blue tie hung loosely around her neck. It felt wrong of me to look her up and down as she leaned over the side of the bridge but her legs were long and smooth. I always wanted my legs to look like that.

"ninshin shiteiru." Akira said.

I made myself look away from her and adjusted my gaze to the water where a very big fat fish swam slowly. "Ya, she is pregnant."

The dark headed girl clasped her hands behind her back and looked at the book securely in my hands before looking up at my nervous eyes.

"Oh it's-" taking it in both hands I remembered what I wrote, there was no way I could let her see if. If she read what I quoted my true feelings would be out in the open, she already had every reason to believe my crush but the words I wrote encouraged something that I didn't know if I was ready for. "I haven't written anything yet."

Akira nodded like she understood and walked around me slowly, "You are wearing flats today Sensei."

I scrunched my face at her observation and laughed. "I am."

She continued to look down at my shoes as she stepped closer to me. "So am I."

Furrowing my brows I held my breath as her body got closer to mine, her hands were still behind her back but her brown eyes looked mischievous as she slowly peered up.

"That means you can run."

I didn't even have time to comprehend what she said as her quick hands took the book that I thought was so secure with me and started running down the dirt path of the park. I yelled for her to stop but had no choice as I lifted up my dress and ran after her. My thoughts at first consisted of fear and concern but as we went through the trees and I heard her beautiful laugh I started to smile.

I had never been much of a runner, in high school and college I used most of my energy to get out of any physical education I could because I hated the way my stomach would twist and my breathes would leave me, but now I couldn't even feel any pain, I just felt a soft warm breeze hit my sweating face as we started going uphill. I didn't know where she had us going but I kept climbing after her, hoping to catch up. I would get close but she would speed up, she would almost trip but it wouldn't stop her as her amused face turned to see me.

"Where are you going Akira?" I yelled seeing her slide downhill, dust went up towards me and I blew some strands of hair out of my face as I followed. She never answered as she kept running.

We were soon back on flat land, farming grounds it looked like. Large vast areas of rice fields covered the green area, from little tiny sprouts to larger, almost harvestable grains.

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