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In my mind I assumed the first thing Akira would want to do when we reached the house, that would soon be in her name, is to want to relish in the scene. Maybe stop in the middle of the kitchen and spin around like she had won the lottery while feeling the cabinets like it was the first time. What I did not imagine is to walk into the dark still house and feel her hands not only miss the cabinets but grab onto my pants.

I didn't even get to lock the door as I stumbled towards the short girl. My eyebrows raised at her flirtatious eyes but I couldn't keep a straight face as I laughed. Her attempt as stirring me Into the direction of something very fun was exceptionally cute.

Pushing her lips together she tilted her head almost annoyed at my reaction. "You owe me Sensei."

She wasn't wrong, our last sad excuse at being close to each other was almost TOO desperate to work. We had to much anger towards each other and not enough love behind our kisses. Now there was too much love, we were on the same page and her fear of someone coming home to find us must have left entirely.

When I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to land against the door she smiled and I knew to keep going. It wasn't like it was hard for me, my craving for her was like a horrible secret that shouldn't have been allowed to get out for anyone to see. She could see though, as we kissed forcefully and pushed against each other the heat from our bodies and the summer night left and intertwined in the air to cascade a sticky feeling as we stumbled into the living room.

The bedroom was always my first thought but there wasn't enough time to make it there and lay out her bed. Her clothes were already flying off and my pants were being undone as she skillfully kept my interest with her tongue in my mouth. We didn't even bother turning on the lights, which worked out in the end as she pushed me down making my feet hit the lamp and fall to the ground.

I was so desperate for her body that I didn't bother taking off her bra, I only pushed it up to reveal her breasts before feeling how much she needed me between her legs. I had thought maybe she would need my tongue to help lubricate herself but as I went inside her I gasped instead at how easy it was. It made me smile because in the back of my mind I was afraid it wouldn't be like the first time. For some reason the worry of her not being as passionate because of our fights worried me but that quickly raced away as I took her head in my hand.

With how much she thrashed and moved her hips I had to brace her by holding her close to my own naked body so that she wouldn't hurt herself. With my thumb caressing her sweet spot I kept pounding her as hard as I could. I wanted to be nicer but she clearly did not want that as she grabbed my wrist and pushed me deeper. Every few minutes I assumed she was about to come but it kept building for her.

I didn't mind her being loud but it got to the point that I had to silence her by pushing her into my own breasts, I was afraid the neighbors would think something crazy if I didn't keep her mouth busy. Soon she melted into my arms like sand that refused to keep its shape.

She was breathing so hard and fast that I thought it would be almost impossible for her to move for a while. I grabbed shorts out of her room for her and put them over her legs after I put her bra back down to cover her chest. "Laura." She said as I plopped down next to her. My forehead was wet from beading sweat and I didn't know if I had the energy to put on my own clothes.

Akira seemed to have her own plan though as she waited for me to close my eyes before sliding off the couch and getting onto her knees between my legs. I didn't even know she was down there until I felt her hair tickle my thighs. As my head shot up she pushed her tongue into me and my own back arched farther than hers had. She had turned me on so much that I had to hold back from coming to quickly as I held her face into me. With my head thrown back she climbed onto my lap and grinded on my stomach as she reached her right hand back and rubbed my spot like a pro.

I held onto her hips tightly knowing I would probably leave a bruise and moaned into her hand that covered my mouth. She seemed to know someone was in the driveway by how she silenced me. What was evil though is that she didn't stop me from coming. She kept rubbing as the door opened and my eyes shot open to look at her.

Her eyes were dark and brown, she was satisfied and ready to handle any bullshit her mother was going to bring. I looked around for a blanket to cover me up but sighed seeing it across the room neatly folded.

Chiyoko cursed at her daughter, I couldn't understand half of her words but I knew she was talking about the "white blonde lady." Akira didn't seem to mind as she sat comfortably on my lap with her clothes on but leaving me with nothing. Soon, she must have felt like responding as she got off of me and went into the kitchen to argue. I wanted to help her but I wasn't about to run around free so I dropped to the floor and crawled to get the blanket to cover myself up.

Her mother looked over at me as I stood up, my hair messy and my cheeks red. She groaned at my sight and went back to yelling at Akira who was insisting moving was not in her stars. "I found the will." She finally said softly.

That made Chiyoko stop yelling as she shot daggers over to me. "Let me see it."

"You don't need to see it. I'm taking it tomorrow and then you'll get what he left you."

Angrily she pushed her daughter back into the wall, I thought about going to help but I learned from last time and stayed put. My teeth biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from saying something I shouldn't.

"You disrespect me when my father died by your disobedience, then you bring this sinfulness into my house to do what? Gloat?"

"It's my house." Her hands latched behind her back even though one of the straps to her bra fell down. Her eyes glanced over at me and I widened my eyes knowing her mother was about blow up even more.

Chiyoko's dark black eyes slowly turned to me and I knew that money she thought she was going to get from the house was the thing fueling her anger as she started to stomp my way. I almost saw my life flash before my eyes but as I braced myself to take whatever she was about to throw my way I felt nothing but a breeze from outside as Akira opened the front door.

"Get out of my house."

Letting one eye peek open I realized the older woman's hand was down to her sides defeated. She grabbed her purse and didn't even look back as her daughter slammed the door and locked it. For some reason I didn't jump up and down with her but instead I realized my pants were on the ground.

"I'm so glad that's over." Akira let out a deep breathe and went to the kitchen. "Do you want some water?"

Letting my eyes go back down to my pants I resisted the urge to try and search for the ring. "No...I mean yes and I'm hungry."

"Hungry?" Akira laughed opening the fridge. "What do you want?"

"Anything is fine." Biting my lip I tried to think of something to make her leave the room. "Do you need to go bathroom?"

That odd question got her attention as she turned to me with a scrunched face.

"I just mean..." my heart raced. "I don't want you to get like an infection or something." Realizing what I said I squinted my eyes. "I didn't mean it like that I meant- I didn't get to clean you up and you were very...dirty."

"Dirty?" She put her hand on her hip and my eyes widened.

"I mean I made you dirty so maybe you should go clean up." Even though my teeth were clenched I tried to smile. I knew she probably saw through it but she only rolled her eyes and left the kitchen to go to the bathroom.

I used that chance to drop on all fours and grab my jeans. I searched the pockets desperately and let out a nervous sigh feeling the metal jewelry. The thought of the blanket covering me didn't even cross my mind as I put it put in the pocket and threw my head back.

"Ok, I'm not dirty anymore."

Grimacing I got up slowly and went over to her in the kitchen. "I still am. Maybe we can go take a shower."

"I think you should just go to the bathroom and take care of it." She looked me up and down before taking her glass of water and leaving me alone.

I deserved that.

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