I trust you

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Clicking the pen in my hand I scribbled on my paper and sighed seeing nothing come out. I flicked it for a minute before deciding it wasn't worth it and threw it across the room to hit the side of the trash and fall on the ground, splattering an ugly blue Ink onto the cheap stick on tiles.

"I know your life is kind of a mess but how is going through your pen drawer going to help anything?" Amy put her working red pen to the side and watched me plop back down on the floor.

Biting down on my lip I didn't answer as I grabbed a highlighter. Of course it didn't work so I was forced to look up over my glasses.

"Laura you are procrastinating in the stupidest way possible." Getting up she went to my boxes from my cleaned out classroom and cut through the tape with her stiletto nails. "Come look through these papers. I know you don't need half of these."

Groaning I fell backwards to lay on my floor as I looked up at my cracked ceiling. The management had told me it would be fixed in no time but I don't think they ever planned on really doing anything about it. Holding my head I rubbed my temples trying to figure out where my head was at.

There was this constant tug of war going on with all my senses. In one direction I had the idea to chase and do everything I could for the young girl so one day maybe JUST maybe we could be together, the other part of me pulled to let go. Stop putting myself through so much to come out empty handed at the end.

Amy noticed I was in my head again and decided to fix it by throwing a stack of copies on my stomach. The air left me suddenly and I rolled over trying to catch my breathe. "God dammit Amy!" Holding onto my shirt I patted the floor.

"Don't be such a baby." She read carefully over some things before tilting her head and starting over once again. "What is-"

"I can't breathe." I whispered stretching.

"Shut up!" Holding a finger out she finished before looking up at me. "Are you writing a book?"

Laughing when I realized what she read I shook my head and crawled over to the box she leaned on. "Akira's grandfather wrote it." Smiling I looked over his handwriting. "I want to get it published for him." She was already over it as she got up and went to get her wine glass.

My smile stayed out on my face for a little while longer as I ran my finger over the ink. He really did have a talent, I couldn't wait to finish it. Sadly, it was put on the back burner when I could barely work without crying and feeling sorry for myself. Taking out the rest of his work I stood up dramatically. "I'm going to take it to my room to work on some more later."

Hearing a small thud hit the floor I froze and looked over at Amy who looked at where the sound came from. Turning slowly I opened my mouth slightly as she only took a sip of her drink. "Hold this." I whispered putting the stack of papers into her arms.

The evil look she gave me didn't even reach my brain as I went over to the tiny velvet bag. I knew it wasn't anything bad but I bent down slowly and took it in my hands like it was an explosive ready to go off at any moment.

"The little booger put blank paper in the middle and cut a hole out for it." Amy said showing me his craftsmanship.

My mind was still confused as I brought it over to the table with my scribbled paper and worn out pens. I pushed it all aside as I untied the tiny knot with shaky fingers. I tried to look inside but it was too dark so I simply tilted it over and furrowed my brows as two tiny papers fell out. The white had Laura written on the outside so I took it first and looked up at my wide eyed friend. For once she didn't say anything so I unfolded it gently because of the worn out edges.

The writing was small and simply but it made my heart speed up. He had written in English the best he could and I could barely read it but I knew what it said.

"I trust you."

Putting it down I tried to get my breathing under control as I looked over at the bigger paper folded in an odd shape. I undid this one quicker and was shocked to see a ring hit the table with a tiny *clink.* My mouth hung as Amy took the paper from me.

"Are you shitting me?" Her eyes read over the paper as I examined the tiny diamond that didn't even shimmer anymore. "This is a will Laura."

Throwing my glasses off I almost flew over the table as I took the paper from her and scanned it quickly. "It's the will..." looking back at the ring in my palm I jumped on the couch and started screaming with Amy who seemed more excited than me.

"It's the fucking will bitch!" She held onto my hand with the ring in it. "He gave you a ring?"

"He gave me a ring. I think it was her grandmothers. It has to be right?"

"It has to be."

We stared at each other for a moment knowing we were just repeating what each other had said but there was sense of shock in the air. This wasn't real was it? Almost simultaneously
We opened up my palm that had turned red from gripping so hard and stared at the tiny piece of jewelry.

"I think he wants you to get hitched with his granddaughter."

"Get married?" Realizing I said that word out loud I jumped down from the couch and put the ring safely on the table with the will beside it. "I can't get fucking married!" Holding my head I snapped to look at my friend who seemed just as clueless as me. "What do I do Amy?"

She held her hands out pointed towards the paper like I was an idiot.

"I've known her for a couple of months. We can't even get married in Japan can you?"

"You can in the Bahamas."

"What?!" I basically screamed.

"I just read an article about it." She jumped down from my futon and held my shoulders tightly, "In international waters you can get married and then still be able to become a citizen in Japan. If not you would have to move her to America."

Pushing her away I started pacing around the small room not even bothering to step over the papers on my floor. "We are talking about Marriage Amy. This isn't something I just spontaneously do!"

"Weren't you engaged?"

Taking her head into my hands I made sure she was looking into my eyes, "You're not helping."

Her eyebrows raised before she took my hands and patted my cheek. "You were crushed over this girl a couple of days ago."

"Ya but-"

She let go of me and picked up the ring and paper to put them securely in my hands. "You have to take this to her before you don't even have the option to give her this ring." It didn't feel like my head was clear, I felt more like an athlete being pumped up by its couch. I was more energetic suddenly, the volume on the TV didn't seem loud enough and I wondered if my air conditioner was on even though I could see it blowing her tight curls back. I'm not sure if my mindset was good or scary. Ripping off my robe as fast as I could I ran to my bedroom so I could change. "Can I borrow your car?"

"It'll be too crowded."

Putting my shirt over my head I almost questioned her but she pointed to the TV where it showed a Japanese game show talking about the celebration of Obon. Of course that would be my luck. Most regions celebrated the festival in the month of her August, but it just so happened her town did not. The hot sticky night of July had to do well enough for me to find her and give her the will on time.

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