Can she do that?

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"I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald


This week started out very Rocky for Rachel Berry. She wouldn't say that it was because of herself, maybe someone else. She isn't going to let that bother her though. She has a math assignment due next class, and she's rushing to see if there is anyone roaming the hallway.

Rachel passes by empty rooms and quickly looks into them (just to make sure) and keeps walking down the F hall, into the A hall...

Nothing can stop her. Rachel is at the top of her class, has the most powerful parents in the state, and is a part of every club in the school. Well, almost every club. She's not a cheerio. Rachel would love to join, maybe she'll get less slushies in her face if she did, but something is always going to stop her from touching that sign up sheet. Something she can't control. All that self doubt the other students are putting into her, whilst her dads yell at her in every which way, makes her think she will never be liked enough to be a cheerio. Maybe that's not true, and if she could just show everyone what her inside looks like, maybe they could all change their minds about her. until then, she will never touch that tempting pencil on the string for as long as she is in this school.

Let's face it, her parents could buy everything on the earth, and this school would still look at her like she's the worst person to ever live. Ugly. Stupid. Hobbit. Those are just a few of the many degrading names the useless people at McKinley gave her. Even her clipboard can't shield her from the student body's worse insults. She guesses they are just jealous.

Being hall monitor was her dads' idea. They both wanted her to be a part of the school comunity. They said that it helps her stay on track when most of her peers are at house parties, and God forbid, singing for fun. Her dads also claim that this job will prepare her for the future.

They couldn't be more wrong.


In Mr. Schu's class, Santana Lopez sits in her desk, restless. She raises her hand to ask for water and Mr. Schu gives her a hallpass.

As a cheerio, Santana has never crossed bad grounds with anyone Bellow her level. It's always a petty fight with another cheerio or what not. Her motto is: If you are bellow me, it's not arguing, it's me winning.

That all changed earlier this week, though.

Santana has a secret, a secret that makes dating one of the Cheerios so hard for her. Brittany tries to hide their relationship for Santana and it's not a secret that it's putting a toll on her girlfriend. Only if Santana Lopez could just come out, Brittany and her wouldn't have to go through the trouble of hiding in empty classrooms, or the Janitor's closet. Which, she found out last week, doesn't always hide them.

Someone saw them on Monday, Someone Bellow Santana's level....

After a long class filled with non-stop talking, Santana's mouth began to feel a bit dry in the middle of second block. She looked to her water bottle and found that she didn't have any water left, so she asked to fill it up from the hallway.

Exciting the classroom, Santana walks over to the nearest drinking fountain, her ponytail swishing from side to side. Pushing the button, the water sprays, and then flows. She rolls her eyes. Only in McKinley.

When she feels a tap on her shoulder, she gulps down the remaining water in her mouth, turning around. A groan leaves her mouth when Rachel's annoying smile is staring back at her.

"Hallpass please" Rachel says, sticking her hand out.


"Is that a no; you don't have one?" Rachel asks, happily enjoying herself.

"It's a no," Santana deadpans, "now move, midget. I needs to get back, or Schuster would have my ass... Although, I wouldn't mind that, he's mighty fine." She says, smirking when Rachel gives her a disapproving frown.

"That is disgusting, Santana." Rachel says. Santana pushes her aside, Rachel follows.

"You shouldn't say that!"

"Yeah? What are going to do about it? Give me an x on your clipboard?"

"Fuck you, Santana!" They stop walking and Santana turns to Rachel, furious.

"No. Fuck you, Hobbit!" Santana yells, pointing her finger close to Rachel's face. Rachel stays stern, even with a hand on her hip and her clipboard between her right arm. "You don't know anything about anyone, all you do is try to control them! Well, I'm done with it!"

Rachel didn't see it coming. Santana pushes her hard, causing her to fall on the ground, her clipboard flying across the floor and hitting the bottom of the lockers. Rachel jumps back on her feet and Santana's smirk gets wiped off her face when Rachel throws her into the left lockers.

"I never did anything! I'm just the hall monitor!" She screams. "Its not my fault that you're too scared to come out of the closet!" Santana's breathing hitches as she leans over the lockers.

Rachel's hold goes limp, freeing Santana from her grip.

"That's not true!" Santana surges forward, grabbing Rachel by her shoulders, Rachel having a similar grip on Santana's.

"Yes it is!" Rachel grunts,"I saw you two, you know?" Santana gains control and sends Rachel to the ground, making her land on her left side.

"You didn't see anything! Because it was nothing!"

Like a Canon ball, Mr Schuester shoots out of classroom A3. He looks from Rachel to Santana before shaking his head in utter disappointment.

"What the hell- girls, come with me, please." Mr. Schu demands.

"It didn't seem like nothing." Rachel whispers, getting up slowly. Santana averts her gaze as Mr Schu walks them to the office.
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