Spin The Kiss

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Woah, woah, woah... Don't go thinking at all when you start to read this chapter. Do not hate me after this and do not not vote haha... This is a very long chapter filled with a bunch of things.

Word count: 4387

"I've been pushed down many flights of stairs in my time, but I always manage to find an elevator."

-Chris Colfer


This is not what they thought would meet their eyes...

It doesn't surprise Kurt as much as it surprises Blaine. For he has his mouth open, clearly speechless. Kurt let's out a little chuckle.

The house is practically empty. Only seven people reside in it, and music plays from several Google homes throughout the house. Rachel looks sheepish as she shows them around. Maybe it's because this party absolutely sucks? Kurt thinks... He's known Rachel since the first grade and this is definitely a Rachel thing to have set up. She ends the tour with a joke and a nervous chuckle, leaving them alone and joining the rest of the Glee club on the couch, where they sit and play on their phones for the most part.

Blaine shifts uncomfortably next to Kurt.

Kurt realizes this must be a bit awkward for him. Hell, it's awkward for everyone! Just look at them sitting bolt upright in the living room! The tension is as thick as a six hundred paged book and worst of all, it's silent besides the music!

"Are you ok?" Kurt asks Blaine.

"J-just parched." Kurt looks behind them; a wooden door with a framed picture of Berry beside it. This must be the kitchen. Without warning, he turns, opening the door and grabbing Blaine by his jacket sleeve ("Waters in here." He says). The door slams closed behind them.

"What th- oh, yeah." Blaine's face returns to a scarlet color.

The kitchen is beautifully decorated and pretty roomy... For a kitchen.

"So," Kurt says, watching Blaine stumble looking for the glasses, "this might be your first trainwreck party, I suppose. Want to tell me why you're acting so weird?" Kurt stands behind Blaine, back against the marble island. Blaine turns around.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asks, now leaning on the opposing counter.

"You don't like parties." Kurt deadpans.

This is easy. Talking. Normal talking. He's not being sarcastic or being yelled at. It's... Normal. Far from pleasant, but... Normal.

There's some type of comfortableness in the air with Blaine. A different type of oxygen that fills lungs with freshness. Blaine has that power and that different air about him. A loner perhaps, or another mindless student at McKinley.

"I- I'm here, aren't I?" Blaine stammers.

"Not really." Kurt says, his arms finding a way to hug his body, "You're here for one reason, Blaine, and it's not the stupid party... So, what is it? The free food? The flat screen T.V? The ugly pictures of Berry on the walls?" Kurt teases, chuckling his way through the examples.

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