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"From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate."

- Socrates


Being the so called bad boy of the school, Kurt was surprised when he was the first to show up in Schu's classroom.

He sits slumped in a desk, phoneless and bored. He silently wishes that he could escape somehow, but sadly there is no way. He watches Schu's hand fly around the whiteboard with an eraser. The only source of boredom relief is when the teacher starts writing and drops all of his dry erase markers on the ground which becomes a reoccurring thing that happens throughout the hour him and Kurt are alone.

Kurt has never liked Mr Schu. Too optimistic, too cheery. Definitely not suited for teaching at this school. It's not that Kurt doesn't like him, it's that he doesn't like Schu here. The teacher could be teaching his passion anywhere else, but it has to be here.

Kurt admires Schuster. (That's the right word. Admires). He's Always on time, he loves teaching, and he is very passionate. Kurt and him do get along quite well. No matter Kurt's background, or what the other students say about him, Schu has always been there. Which is why the teacher was definitely disappointed when he saw Kurt's name on his list for detention.

An hour of silence passes, and the door finally creaks open with the next deviant student behind it.

Mr. Schuster finishes his art that he had been so secretive of, putting down his markers safely amd turns to the person that walks in.

Kurt has to catch his breath when he sees him.

Do I know you?

The boy shakes Schu's hand, awfully smiley for a person who has Saturday detention. He looks nervous and little bit frightened. Kurt doesn't know why, but he's suddenly intrigued by this boy. To his curly black locks to his over the top, too much color, clothing; Kurt wants to know.

Kurt panics when the boy sits in the desk next to him. Luckily, he doesn't try to make conversation with Kurt and they sit quietly while Mr. Schu resumes his art making.

Mr Schu steps aside, looking to Kurt to judge, "How does it look?" The teacher asks him, pointing at the big whiteboard in front of the room.

Detention! Is written on the white board, but with a tremendous amount of colors. Kurt grins, "Marvelous, Schu." He says. Mr Schu laughs and puts his dry erase markers away in a cupboard under his desk. He turns back to the two boys, claping his hands together.

"Well, we have three more students that are supposed to be coming! If you two could ummm hmmm. Wait, let me think.

"Oh! Just do your homework until they come and then I'll tell you guys what you'll be doing until six."

Kurt scoffs.

Blaine already has his binder out, starting his homework. (What even is this guy?) "Schu, you know I don't do that!" Kurt grumbles. Mr. Schuster shrugs.

"I know, but it'll do you good if you did." Kurt shakes his head. Mr. Schu collapses in his spinning chair, "And this is why you're my favorite student, Kurt."

"Because I refuse to do homework? Mr Schu, I don't think that's a good thing..."

"You stand for what you believe in, I admire that. Maybe you can sing about it in Glee club?" Mr. Schu tries.

Not this again

Kurt was about to respond when he gets cut off.

"What's Glee club?" Blaine asks. Mr Schu perks up. He smiles at Blaine. Kurt rolls his eyes and taps his pen on his desk, head in hand and knowing damn well what Mr. Schuster is going to say.

Kurt has heard it numerous times before, and he's pretty sure everyone else in this God forsaken school had also.

"Glee club is a group of students from our school who sing and dance. Very talented young people." Mr Schu says, "And every few months, they compete against other schools in a competition. If they win they go on to the next competition. They keep on doing that until Nationals. Nationals is always out of state, it's a huge thing."

Mr. Schu is smiling from ear-to-ear now. Blane sits on the edge of his chair, also slightly smiling, his eyes crinkling a little bit. "How do I get into--umm--Glee club?" He asks.

"Don't, please. Schu, don't you-"

"Glee club is everyday, after 4th block. All you have to do is walk into the choir room, then you're in. Show up everyday, and you'll get to know the others. We're a little short on members, so you don't have to audition."

"O-kay, I'll keep that in mind."

Soon, the door creaks open again. Kurt looks up from his twiddling and watches as a blonde haired boy stumbles into the history classroom. It's only when he talks, that Kurt recognizes him.

Sam Evans. Stupid jerk. Only good for one thing and when he's done you can throw him away and you wouldn't even miss his Justin Bieber haircut, or his impressions. Impressions that make girls swoon for him.

Kurt never really got the point in it. . . Being popular. He's the rebel, not the chatty Cathy of the school, so he doesn't get around much.

Don't get him wrong, everyone knows him. Knows to stay away from him. Obviously the girls know otherwise.

Sam sits directly in front of Kurt, blocking Kurt's sight of the front of the room. Funny part is, Kurt's not even bothered. He wants to get today over with so badly that he keeps his words shut behind a cage.. Kurt glances at the boy across from him, the one wearing sharp colors, finding that he's still hard at work on his Homework. Cute.




Blaine's only been in this classroom for five minutes and he's already feeling the full nine hours loom over him. He's struggling with his math homework and he's struggling with keeping his eyes to himself. One glance, turns to two, to three, to four, until the door opens again. Mr Schu doesn't look happy with the newcomer.

Blaine observes the girl. She looks angry, and he can't blame her, he was too. She rolls her eyes after giving her phone up and slumps in the desk in front of him. She turns around to face Blaine, glaring at him.

"Stop with the ogling, creepster mc bowtie," she grumbles, flicking Blaine's striped bowtie with a disgust that Blaine doesn't get. The girl turns back around in her seat, mumbling curses under her breath.

Blaine decides to shake it off. Clearly, this person is having a bad day.

He takes a deep breath.

Shortly after, the door opens with another Student awaiting their doom. A familiar short girl walks in, looking out of place in this room. Her expensive clothing not matching the run down, greying classroom of Mr. Schu's.

She sits in a desk next to red jacket guy, not looking happy at all. Blaine feels comforted by that, in a sadistical kind of way.

There Blaine goes, making everything worse for himself. He's clenching too hard, his knuckles turning white. He's too busy watching the blood flow back into his hands, that when everyone's groaning and standing up, Blaine has to back track.

This day couldn't get anymore miserable. Blaine thinks. He catches up to the group in the hallway, bag at his side.

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