The Hospital

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Hi all!
I read about these two amazing women and decided to use them in today's chapter, hope you don't mind!

Also, this chapter takes place later Monday night.

Word count: 3087

"Don't wish away your life, you're exactly where you're supposed to be."

- I bet you know

The Lima Healthcare Center isn't a bad place to be, they're better than most hospitals in Ohio, but it's a place no one wants to spend time in, especially when you're a teenager. To an outsider, Lima Healthcare is just another hospital.

The students at McKinley know better than that.

They've been in and out of this very hospital since they were kids. Not for anything bad like getting in a car crash, but for normal healthcare things. They grew up with the interns, the nurses, and even some of the doctors, though most of them are creepy old men.

That's one thing someone from Lima can call a constant, for everyone who lives there knows the place like the back of their hand. They know that the kids Care is on the left with the horses lining the walls, and the Adult Care is on the right with a landscape of a barn and a sunset. They know that whatever happens, the Lima Healthcare Center will try their best to fix it, but sometimes it's not so certain.

A breath, a pause, then a smile, one that hasn't been on this girl's face a lot, but she's happy for it; happy for change. She holds a bouquet of flowers, tucked neatly in her arms on top of her furry winter jacket. Feeling the cold air bite her nose, she walks huredly into the hospital, two other people by her side.

She steps towards the counter, where a nurse sits, eating salad while checking emails. Coughing, she grabs the man's attention.

The man smiles, big and wide, his white teeth showing through his brown lips.

"Hi, Welcome to Lima Healthcare, how may I help you?" The man asks, looking at the flowers, then the girl, then at the two boys behind her.

"We're here to visit Noah Lyla Puckerman." The girl says, rocking back and forth on her boots.

"Very well," The nurse writes down a name on a piece of paper. Without looking up, he continues, "And what's y'all's names and relations to the patient, and can I get a number or ID?"

Fumbling, the girl reaches into her coat pocket, pulling out her wallet then an Id. She slides it on the counter, "I'm his friend."

"Santana Lopez? And who are the two people behind you?" The nurse asks, still writing on the paper.

"Jake Puckerman, Noah's half-brother, and Dave Karofskey, he's also a friend as well."

The nurse nods, finishing writing down the details, and clocking them into the computer. "Looks like y'all are written down as liable visitors..." When he's done, he turns his chair towards Santana, and smiles softly at the girl, "That means you three can grab a visiting pass, Noah Puckerman's room is on the left, room twenty eight." He points to the left hallway, where horses frolic on the baseboards.

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