The Dare

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"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

- Oscar Wilde


If you know Sam Evans, you would know that the one thing he can't do is say no. So on Friday afternoon after Football practice, he agreed to play Truth or Dare. He doesn't know why he did. The last time he played with Mike, Finn, and Puck, ended in him in the bathroom, blowing chunks into one of those low-flush toilets. The ones that are good for the environment.

Sam sits on a bench, one leg on either side. Finn sits across from him while Puck and Mike stand to the left.

"Sam," Puck says, "it's your turn." Sam smiles broadly and catches Finn's eye. Finn looks terrified.



"Truth or Dare?"

"Please don't, man. I didn't even mean for you to throw up-"

"Truth or dare, Finn." Sam repeats.

Finn gulps, "I guess... truth." Finn shrugs in defeat. Puck and Mike high five each other as Sam comes up with a good question.

"How does it feel to get your girl stolen by, none other then, Kurt Hummel?" Puck bursts out into a fit of laughter, Sam and Mike following. Finn glares at them.

"For your information, Sam. I am happy that Quinn did what she did, because it shows the type of person she is. A person who doesn't deserve my time. Besides, fuck boy Hummel is always gonna find a new girl to toy with, he'll leave her in the dust in no time." Finn crosses his arms over his chest. Sam pouts.

"I was hoping for some drama!" Puck pouts.

"Me too,"

"Me three,"

Finn furrows his eyebrows, "Well, I've had it with that dude. He thinks he's so cool and stuff, just because he wears what he wants and skips class. A sane person would know that those things are not attractive." Finn mumbles with a tinge of jealousy to go with it.

Sam snickers,"Imagine being friends with fuck boy Hummel..."

"Gross," puck mumbles.

"Okay! My turn!" Finn yells. The blonde rolls his eyes at his friend.

"Truth or daaaare," Finn looks around the tiny group. His eyes landing on Puck. "Puck!"

"You sound like a child. You know what I always do."puck grumbles. Finn nods.

He rubs his hands in front of his chest as if to try to start a fire with them.

"Puck. I dare you to go get Coach Beiste's deodorant, and take a bite out of it."

Mike claps Puck's shoulder, laughing and shaking his head.

"This is great! This is absolutely great!" Mike says. Puck shrugs Mike's hand off his shoulder and smirks at Finn.

"I'll do it."


"Hell yeah."


"Awe, man, that is gross!" Sam covers his eyes.

Puck had taken a bite out of the used deodorant, and was now chewing it, leaving the group admittedly grossed out. Puck laughs and spits it out into the trash can.

"I didn't think you would actually do it!" Mike squeals, shielding his eyes as best as he can

Puck shrugs, "It wasn't that bad. It just tasted like sweat and stuff."


"What? It did." He chuckles.

"Ok," he says, "Sam, Truth or dare?"


Running down the hall naked
and getting caught by the principal herself was not the first thing on Sam Evans' agenda. Well, there is only one thing on his agenda. That is if he wants to go through with that. Turns out, he doesn't.

Mentally, he crosses it out, putting a damned: DETENTION, instead.

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