So fun... Right?

131 6 76

It's been a week. That is a new record of updating for me! (I fixed Brittany's name).

Word count: 3509


"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

- Albus Dumbledore


Saturdays are always fun.

Brittany and Santana sit together in Birittany's kitchen, Brittany holding a bowl of cereal and Santana eating some type of protein bar. Brittany's cat, Lord Tubbington, purrs at their feet, just begging to be given some type of food. They ignore him for the most part, while Brittany listens to Santana rant about the Cheerios.

"I get it, San. I really do, but how do we know that she wouldn't go to them if she hadn't auditioned when we asked her to?"

"I- I don't know anymore, Britt." Whispers Santana, dropping her head on Brittany's shoulder.

"It's obvious you feel guilty." Brittany says.

"I do," Santana says, moving her head from her girlfriend's shoulder, "it's my fault she got in this mess, Brittany. I wanted to warn her, and then rumors started and she snapped."

Brittany shakes her head, taking another bite of her Fruit Loops, "Quinn doesn't snap, she plans. Like I said, how do we know this wasn't always going to be her next resort?"

"You are so smart." Santana coos, moving closer for a kiss. Brittany smiles, dropping her spoon in her bowl.

"That's why you love me." She chuckles, kissing Santana right on the lips.


She had said goodbye to her uptight self, and welcomed a better, more loose person. She had grasped her dad's back, kissed him on the cheek, and told him that everything was going to be fine, all the while planning her very first party.



Rachel springs around the house; Jumping from room-to-room. A smile shines bright on her tan face, hiccups of laughter leaving her mouth. She's never done this before; openly defy the rules. She feels so hip, so in, so rebellious.

It's a new feeling of hope that pushes her to call Jacob almost five hours before the party is due to start. They talk and gush about the games they plan on playing and about the drinks they'll be drinking. Thirty minutes later, they end the call. Rachel drops the phone to her side and she gives herself only five seconds before she squeals into her right hand. She can't believe this is happening to her of all people.


"Hey Dad, I'm heading out!" Yells Kurt from the front door. He pockets his keys, and when he's about to step out, his dad's voice rings out from the staircase.

"Why are you always in a hurry to leave? I've just got back from work. No hug, no hi, no nothing." Burt accuses, walking down the stairs toward Kurt.

Kurt bites his lip. What should he say that'll make it better? "Sorry." He sighs, closing the door and staring back at his dad. Burt grunts.

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