Hands Tied

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This is a big one btw. So, here it is, the result of a five week hiatus! Hope you like it. Also, I've added new things to the other chapter in Santana's part, you'll want to know that stuff before your read this.

"When one teaches, two learn."
-Robert Heinlein


William Schuster crinkles his eyebrow as he gives F, after F, after F. The only person pulling a passing grade out of this test is Rachel Berry, which is not at all that surprising. He sighs and takes a sip of his fifth coffee of the day.

He always asks himself why he decides to teach everyday if no one at McKinley decides to learn. It always makes his mind come back to the Glee Club and the chance that the students in that club will be something one day. Will loves teaching kids, and maybe if he could just get through to those other students, he would feel more accomplished in his line of work.

Yes, he has some rivals (the student body being one of them) but he's not going to let anyone take down what's already adamant at this school. The Arts. It's always hard to make people see how important they are, because the arts always get pushed to the back, forced to be forgotten. Whilst sports, grades, and core curriculum get prioritized. People think the the arts are a waste of time, but they clearly haven't seen the joy on a person's face when they figure out their first note on their flute, or when someone captures their first photograph of a sunset on a hot Summer's day. Joy is in the mist of the arts program, but everyday it goes unnoticed to the regular student body.

Everything Mr Schuster does is for the students' benefit, and almost all of them fail to realize it. As he finishes up the last tests, he wonders what he could do to make the five students in the library actually see the possibilities in front of them. He knows these kids have the potential to run the world if you let them, and maybe, just maybe, if he gave them something to hold onto, they would be able to see the success right in front of their young faces.

The Glee Club? Mr Schu knows it won't work, but maybe it will? That slight chance of it happening is all it will take for Will to jump straight into the deep end. And if it doesn't work, well, it was a good idea. That kid, Blaine, Will has never seen such a new kid before and maybe he's just what the Glee club needs to be complete, or even all six of them. It's all worth a shot in the right-or wrong-direction.

Mr Schuster's alarm goes off. It has officially been one hour since he left the students in the library. He feels bad about doing it, but it was for the best. He needed them to be able to be separate for a while, not sitting around his classroom being bored out of their minds.

He puts his pen down and carefully places the stack of graded tests in the bottom drawer of his desk. As he's leaving his classroom, his plan flashes before his eyes. He knows it might go all wrong, might make the Glee Club be hated even more, but what needs to happen needs to happen.

Today, he calls a senior intervention, with the exception of two juniors, of course.

He was expecting chaos when he got there, but when he walks in, the library is silent. He sets his bag on the table Blaine's sitting at and when Blaine looks up, he gives Mr Schu an inviting smile.

"Kurt, Rachel, Santana, Sam, I'm back." He says. He watches as the four students walk out of their given places toward him.

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