Chapter 6- Distinguish The Up Coming Pain

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Shigaraki's POV-

I did as the note said and arrived and the cherry blossom bridge at 6:00pm. Everyone called it the cherry blossom bridge because of the cluster of cherry blossom trees around it, that caused the bridge to never be clear of cherry blossom petals. I looked around I saw no one, at least no one that seemed of interest in talking to me. I waited, and waited.

15 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour

After waiting an hour I decided to just head back home. I was once excited, now excitement has turned into disappointment. He stood me up, I should have known better. I should've know better then thinking he was actually gonna come. And to think I was starting to like him as more then a friend.
The days continued on, I didn't read one bit of the notes written by 'T', that cluttered my locker. I eventually emptied them out of my locker, not wanting any part of 'T' in my life.

Just forget about him

He was gonna hurt you in the end anyway.

Might as well distinguish it before it gets bad

-216 words-
Well sorry to those of you who thought they were gonna meet. They'll meet though later in the story of course. I'll update soon.Bye.

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