Chapter 15- Rants and Nightmares

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Dabi's POV-

"What if Paki gets a hold of him?! What will he do?! Will Paki do the same thing he did to me?" Tomura questioned, pacing back and forth.
"Tomura." I said trying to get his attention.
"What if Paki kills him?! Paki won't kill him will he?! Or maybe he will!" Tomura ranted on.
"Tomura!" I yelled, Tomura jumped out of his skin.
"Geez Dabi calm down." Tomura said, I rolled my eyes.
"Babe you need to calm down, Toga, Twice and Nomu are our looking for him right now." I stated, sitting Tomura down on the bed, Tomura sighed.
"I-I just don't want him to have to go through what I did." Tomura said, sadness laced in his voice.
"I know. I don't either." I agreed, the thought horrified me. Tomura climbed on my lap and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I put my arms around his waist and drew circles on his back. We sat like that for hours until Toga, Twice and Nomu came back, there report negative.
"We couldn't find him, I'm sorry Shigaraki." Twice said, I could tell Tomura was trying to hold it together for the sake of the league.
"Ok w-well, search again t-tomorrow." Tomura said, his voice sounding so broken.
"Ok we will." Toga said, everyone split up to there rooms. Tomura and I headed to our room and lied down for bed. I drifted off to sleep due to the emotionally exhausting day. Only for my to wake up to Tomura crying and screaming next to me.
"Tomura! Wake up it's just a nightmare." I said, shaking Tomura awake. He looked at me and began to cry into my chest.
"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here."I said, rubbing Tomura's back.

-318 words-
Enjoy this sad chapter. Also the chapters are just gonna get sadder and sadder. Bye *finger guns*

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