Randomness 3

690 8 50

Ima use the states human names. Feel free to ask who's state they represent. The names used are from my hetalia book. For those who read it some of the names will be changed and their original names are in perenthasies. The quotes aren't mine and were changed to make it appropiate. Enough chatting and let's begin!
Cali: hey, sofia, what do girls have that boys don't?


Sofia: brains


Alexander: hey!
Oliver: ok let me guess your hometown, i bet it starts with an s

Mitch: maybe

Oliver: sexytown?

Mitch: no it's the oppisite of that

Oliver: DETROIT?
Isaac: did you lose your job because of me?

Nicholas: nah. The manager's a vampire. And he wanted me to join his legion of the undead

Isaac:[quietly] i knew it!
Iseah: i think owen's in trouble

Carson: alright. Struggling to give a f*ck if i'm honest
Jose: this job will require a bit of muscle, so i figured crystal(azahar is now her middle name) should do it

Isaac: what? No. I should do it. I'm a man!

Carson: that's debatable

Isaac: well i'm more of a man than crystal

Crystal, a girl: i don't accept that
Conner: i'm going to get soup

Isabel: be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot

Conner,leaving the room: pfft. I'm not going to burn myself

[30 seconds later]

Conner, entering the room: i burned myself
Dylan: good morning

Gia(georgia): good morning

Benjamin: good morning

Nicholas: you all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit

Daniel: so i was thinking, what if you ate chocolate with nuts, meaning you like boys, but then ate without nuts, so you like girls?

Penny: don't sexualize my chocolate!

Railyn: what would caramel be?

Daniel: both
Alex(short for alexander): i need you to fix something

George: of course what?

Alex: i need you to help me fix my ____from getting a ______

George: i-
Orlando: marriage? I don't know, we still seem to be at the boyfriend-girlfriend stage

Oliver: well, when i first met you i said awful things, spilled stuff all over you, and acted like a first class nincompoop, what would you have done?

Mitch: just what i did. Wait for my clothes to come back from the cleaners and then marry you
Mason: why are you in love with carson?

Wyatt: they're everything i've ever dreamed of!

Mason:...you KNOW they are trying to kill you, right?

Wyatt: exactly

And that's all for today!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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