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//Follow me on tumblr at ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes

            Alfie muttered something under his breath that sounded a lot like "Tommy Fucking Shelby." Apparently, he saw the man get out of the car before Ella could.

Tommy noticed the two figures on the beach from the drive near the bluff. He walked over and shouted over the ledge. "Alfie!"

"The fuck does he want, aye?"

Ella shrugged. "I don't know. He didn't mention he was coming." It had been quite some time since she heard from her brother. She naturally assumed that he was caught up in the business of trying to plan Oswald Mosley's assassination.

"Tommy Shelby MP, OBE, thinks he can come calling whenever the fuck he wants." Alfie scooped up Ezra and began walking back up the bluff to the house.

Ella picked up Sofia and began to follow them, making sure the dogs were right behind her.


By the time she reached the drive, Alfie and Tommy were already in a heated argument.

"You ain't bringing your mental state here to disrupt me fucking family. That ain't happening, mate."

"What is going on?" Ella paused, taking in her brother's appearance. He looked even more sleep-deprived than usual. He was twitching and couldn't stand still. His eyes kept shifting, glancing over his shoulder, waiting for something or someone.

"Bring the kids inside." Alfie handed Ezra over instead of answering his wife.

Ella hesitated but brought the twins and the dogs inside. She could hear the shouting match escalate through the house as she put the twins in their cots. Hoping to break them up, she hurried back outside and drew Alfie away from Tommy.

"What is going on!?" She demanded again.

"Your brother's come here all doped up, that's what's going on." Alfie jabbed a finger at the man.

Tommy looked ready to either pounce or rip his own hair out. His whole body was tensed up and practically trembling. His hands balled into fists. "This is it, Alfie. All those times you pointed a gun to my head. You fucking do it, right now!"

It was nonsensical, almost as if Ella's hearing had gone out for a moment. His words disjointed and not making any logical sense. "Tommy, what are you talking about?" She struggled to get between the two who were in each other's faces.

"This is it? Aye? You've finally lost your fucking marbles, Tommy? 'Bout time we locked you up, right, in a fucking asylum!" Alfie shouted, his face turning red.

"Stop it!" Ella pushed her husband back knowing he wouldn't fight her. "Stop it right now, the both of you!" She grabbed her brother by the overcoat and physically forced him back a few steps. He was so exhausted that he couldn't resist her and stumbled backward. "What are you on about?"

But Tommy's eyes were fixed on Alfie, almost like a rabid dog that had locked onto a victim. "It's your lucky day, you finally get to blow me brains out!"

Ella had enough and slapped him across the face. "Take a fucking breath, for Christ's sake! You're going on like a fucking lunatic." She snapped.

The stinging pain managed to knock Tommy back into a bit of sanity. "It all fell apart." He gasped out; his lungs raw from screaming.

"What did?" Ella didn't let go of his coat so he couldn't go after Alfie again.

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