One Day

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One day. I had one more day to make up my mind. One day before it was too late. My entire life and the lives of those around me depended on that one day. The night before that day, I couldn't sleep. The pressure kept me up at night. Let's say I wanted to move. Then what? What about Molly, Jeremy, Ed and Liz? What about all the relationships I've built over the past year? Will I still keep in touch with them? I stare at the window in complete silence. Looking at how the moon shined through the windows. The whole room was completely dark, but the moon was the only thing giving it light. It was beautiful. 

Molly: Penny for your thoughts?

Nick: Gah! Molly! Wait, you're awake. Why are you awake?

Molly: Why did you stay till the A.M?

Nick: What?

Molly: Why are you awake past midnight? The A.M?

Nick: Why didn't you just say it like that?

Molly: Because I wanted it to sound cooler. Anyways, why are you awake?

Nick: Technically I asked you first.

Molly: (Mocking Nick) "TeChNiCaLlY I aSkEd YoU FirSt" What are you? Five?!

Nick: Yes.

Molly: Ugh! Fine! I can't sleep! Happy? Now you.

Nick: I can't sleep. 

Molly: Now you're just copying me. 

Nick: (laughs) Now you're just copying me. 

Molly: (chuckles) Stop it!

Nick: (laughs) Stop it!

Molly suddenly jumped out of her bed and came to mine and started tickling me. 

Nick: Ok! Ok! OK! I give!

Molly: Good. what? I didn't think this far.

Nick: (laughs)

Molly: I'm gonna miss this.

Nick: Miss what?

Molly: Us. Doing crazy stuff at 2 AM for no reason. 

Nick: Molly, I didn't make up my mind. 

Molly: Still...

Nick: Still nothing. That's what's keeping me up. 

Molly: You're gonna choose your dad. 

Nick: Maybe not. Maybe I'll stay here. 

Molly: Or maybe, you'll choose your dad. The man who is your father. The one you grew up with. 

Nick: Blood doesn't mean family. Look at the mom I met in Vegas. 

Molly: That doesn't mean you won't choose him. 

Nick: Stop acting like you know what I'm gonna decide. 

Molly: Stop acting like you haven't already decided. 

Nick: What do you mean?

Molly: Ever since your dad came back, you've been different. 

Nick: How?

Molly: We don't hang out as much.

Nick: We literally live together. We're always together.

Molly: Yeah, but not in the way that we used to be. Ok, we sleep in the same room, we have breakfast and dinner everyday, but we don't hang out. 

Nick: Yeah, but I've been really-

Molly: Busy. I know. You've been meeting with your dad and stuff. Rebuilding a relationship. But you don't talk about it a lot. It feels like, you've known this was coming. So you push me away, because you want it to hurt less. 

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