Depressed Scout x Helpful Reader

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Your POV

Scout and Spy always argued over nothing. Everday day they'd go at each when no one is looking, besides me. When I walk around the base I hear grunting and when I look to see them fighting. I did get hurt once because Spy tried to get his butterfly knife out, so I went and grabbed it.

"Give it back!" Spy turned and punched me in my face. The knife flew from my hand, I covered my eye with my other hand. Blood  dripping from my nose. Spy tried to grab it but Scout yelled.

"Don't hurt her!" Scout jumped at Spy and they both were fighting.

"YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP YOUR BULLSHIT!" I yelled, tears running down my cheek. They both stopped and broke away, Scout was trying to come to me but I ran to my bed room.

"Y/N! COME BACK!" Scout tried to call me, but I didn't listen so he tried to follow me. I slammed the door and leaned against the door crying, as I fell on the floor.

"Y/N please come out, just listen. This is only between me and Spy, no one else." Scout begged.

"I'm trying to make things between you equal. None of you want anything...* breaths in* I know that I'm a girl, but that doesn't stop me from helping." I wrapped my arms around my legs and cried.

            The next day

I stayed in my bedroom and only letting in Engie, Pyro, Demo and Medic in. Everyday Scout would stay at my door and talk to me, I stayed silent. Spy and Scout stopped fighting now that I told them to.

"Remember when I taught you how to play baseball? Sniper would always tell me to stop because he thought I would hurt you." I giggled. He sighed and I heard a sniffle.

"I always knew Spy would be a bad father, he never cared about me, he didn't bother to do anything to help me and doesn't see me as a son."

I heard crying. I didn't realize that he left, so I opened my door to see that he closed his bedroom door. I looked around to see if anyone was around and went to Scout's door.

"I'm not staying in my room because I'm mad. Its just that, I needed some time to think. I'm sorry that your going through this."

I went back to my room and locked the door. No one saw Spy through out the two weeks, even at battle. I only went out for food, to watch when no one was around and to clean. I went to Scout's door, he stayed in there for at least two days.

"When you try your best but you don't succeed." I sang at his door, I sat down my back against it.

"When you get what you want but not what you need."

"When you feel so tired but you can't sleep."

"Y/N, stop." Scout said.

"Stuck in reverse." I ignored him.

"When the tears come streaming down your face." I stared down the hall.

"When you lose something you can't replace."

"When you love someone but it goes to waste." Flashbacks came when Spy and Scout were laughing and talking.

"Could it be worst?" I got up from where I was and sang through the door.

"Lights will you guide you home."

"Y/N please stop." Scout growled.

"And ignite your bones." I ignored him.

                Scout's POV

"And I will fix you." I heard Y/N whisper. I opened the door to see her walking down the hall.

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