Spy x Waitress Reader

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I walked into my house and took my apron off, I plopped down onto my bed. But before I did I put money into a can and I pushed it to the back of the drawer. I only closed my eyes for a couple seconds and my alarm rang, I opened them again and used my foot to turn it off.

"Good night Marwind, Good morning Mcharc." I sighed, I got up and changed into a different outfit. I ran out the door and hopped onto the bus, they let me in and I sat between two guys. I saw he took a flower out and when the bus stopped I ran out. I ran to a restaurant, but before I did I saw a group of guys heading there. I slipped passed them and went to the back, I put my stuff down somewhere, put my apron on and went out to make coffee.

"What time you stay up girl?" The chef asked. I smiled and said.

"Good morning, Mel."

He leaned against the counter and gave me like bugged and really face.

"I have a 2 time job, remember?" I said, he frowned.

"I know, you told me every time." He said.

"Then why do you keep asking me what time I stay up? Mel, your eggs are burning." I said, pointing to them. His eyes widened and he flipped them, he looked at me again.

"But why do you have 2 jobs?" He asked, I sighed and poured coffee into someone's cup. They smiled and nodded to me.

"Your welcome, I need the money to get my restaurant." I told him.

"Plus with the extra money" I stopped and gave a baby a napkin.

"Here you go baby, I could use it for bills and food." I said, he put the eggs on a plate and gave it to me. He handed me more plates till they were full. Mel grabbed another one and put it on my head, I looked at him and handed some plates to people. The men from outside walked in and sat down, I put the last plate down. I went back into the kitchen and set the platter down and grabbed my note pad, I took my pen and went to the men. They all were wearing red, a boy-guy had a cap, a tall guy with aviators and an akubra, a man with a yellow hard hat with goggles, a person in a weird mask, a man with an eyepatch and a guy in a balaclava. I went up to them and took there orders, the boy-guy said.

"Have any chicken?"

His accent sounded bostonian, I shook my head. He sighed.

"Pancakes are good enough." He said, I wrote it down. They all said what they wanted till I got the guy in the balaclava.

"What would you like?" I asked, he smiled.

"I'll 'ave pancakes as well. I'll 'ave it with blueberries." He said, I smiled and wrote it down. I went back to the kitchen and gave Mel the paper, he looked at and looked at the guys.

"9 men, I'll need more help. Sky!" He yelled, I sighed and looked at him.

"Are you really gonna bring that slut here?! Shes gonna try and do something with one of those men." I said while holding a hand out to them. He shrugged and got the mix out and made the men their food, Sky came out and looked at me.

"Ugh, what's with your look. You look like a rat." She said.

"And you look like trash that is a man who just did trashy stuff to women, Sky. You really need to watch your mouth." I said, flicking my hair in her face. She growled and tries to run at me but she saw the guy in the red balaclava. She smirked, fixed her boobs, put her hair back and went up to them with a note pad. She looked at each one and stared at balaclava guy.

"We already our order hun." The guy in the goggles said, his accent texan. She scoffed and still stared at him, she bit her lip and smiled. He smiled awkwardly and looked at me, he smiled nicely and nodded. I blushed and looked away going to the sink. Sky came back and looked at me with disgust.

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