Shock and Hip-Hop

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Cross finally got to his AU. Or, lack thereof. He sits in the emptiness, now feeling safer. "Finally..." He mutters.

Fell runs to the corner of the room, holding a knife and aiming it at Fresh!Ink. "Stay back, you -FUNK-er!" Fresh!Ink laughs. "Yooooo, that's some colorful lingo, broski! Watch ya' mouth!" He steps closer, snatching the knife. Fell's eye-sockets widen. " A-AHHH!" There's a loud scream, as a parasite squirms and crawls into Fell's skeletal body. His SOUL is feasted upon.
Back to Cross. He's huddled in a corner, talking to Chara. "Those things... They're invading AUs! What if they end up here?!" Chara reassures him. "We'll be fine, okay?" That was a bitter lie. A portal opens, and a figure steps out.
Oh! It's Error! Well, a version of Error, that is. "Huh? Who're you?" The Error stares hard at Cross. "X Sans. But you can call me Cross." Error walks over. "And second, why are you just hiding there like something's coming for you?" Cross would gulp. "W-Well, it's a long story..."
Fresh!Ink cackles, chasing Classic down. "Nonononononono!-" He is saved by Blue, who runs out the house and locks Fresh! Ink inside. Suddenly, as if from an intercom, a loud, booming voice echoes throughout every AU. "EVERYBODY! GO TO UNDERFELL RIGHT THIS INSTANT! WE WILL BE SETTING UP BASE IN THERE!" And so, various versions of Sans and a few others go there. Oddly, no Fresh heard it...

Or did they?

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