Rodeo? Never heard of 'em, broski! [Side Chapter]

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Fresh was pacing around the Fresh Void. Step. Step. Step. Step...
He started, angrily, stomping back and forth. Fresh opened a portal, watching the living Oreo and the radtasic ghost. He growled, silently.
. . .
The sound of silence filled the universe's humble sound barrier. Silence. Complete and utter silence.
Until, of course...
Cross exclaimed, "Ouch! Urgh.. "
He felt his skull in pain. It ached. Ouch... Hah...
Cross tended to his wounds. "Gh... Good gosh..." Cross chuckled, wrapping up his cuts and marks.
He looked to where he ended up.
. . .
He almost teared up.
"The.... The Doodle Sphere...?"
He blinked the tears away, staring at the AUs, all showing multicolored specks and figures.
We might be able to do this!"
Fresh!X-Chara laughed. "Yo' b thinkin' d'at yo could fix *this?*" He laughed more.
"Oh, XBrah..."
He grabbed his shoulders.
"Yo've already lost, homie!"
Cross could feel going light-headed...
"Also, XDawg, d'ere b a broski behind yo'!"
"Heh... Yeah, ri....
Cross awakes.
"Why am I the one that always gets kidnapped...?"
A voice spoke to Cross.
"Look, 'friend'. We don't have much time. There's only some of us left. Soon, Cross, you'll no longer be immune. So, I suggest you get a bit more negative before I force you."
Cross looked at where the figure was talking. Or, tried to.
Cross felt the rope tying him become untied.
"What are you waiting for? Get up." Cross gets up, suddenly on the surface.
Cross looks over.
[A/N: please note I'm not proud of this chapter at all. So, sorry if it sucks.
Also, cliffhanger!~]

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