Radical Punishment, Yo! (Part 1/2)

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Cross frowns, "No! Chara!" He's full of disbelief and fear. The now Fresh!X-Chara grins. His attire is quite radical and colorful, but some patches of the clothing is still white, grey, or black. "Yo, chill-ax, Cross broski! It's me, yo' radtastic friendly ghost bro, Chara!" Cross blinks a few times. "Y-You're not Chara!" He shakes his head, realizing the portal to the new base has closed already. He's stuck here. "Yo, brah, chill, chill! I'm still yo' radical, friendly Chara-ghost-bro, yo!" Cross summons his Hack Knife. "Well then... I'll have to fight these purple goblins, huh?"




The sound of screams are heard. Everyone at the new base is panicking. It wasn't safe. Many Fresh are there. Eventually, Cross makes it there, with purple ooze dripping from his knife. Everyone's trying to fight the parasites away. Unfortunately, Geno and Death were taken. Not infected, but just taken. Various monsters and Sans's of all shapes and sizes successfully fight off the horde, some others do not.




Cross gives a final blow. The Fresh!Gaster!Sans was taken care of. Everyone cheers as the other Fresh retreat. One of the Error's speak up. "As much as it pains me to say this, Cross, I think you should be the commander of the Rad Resistance." Cross blinks. "What? Me? I-I mean, I accept the offer, but..." "But what?" . . . Cross smiles. "Nevermind." Fresh!X-Chara grins, whispering to Cross: "Yo, Cross-broski~! You thinkin' 'bout tellin' them, yo?" Cross whispers back. "Chara, shut up!"

. . .

And so, with Cross the new Commander of the Rad-Resist, and a secret that nobody knows. . .

Who knows what'll happen next time?

Find out soon on: The Rad-End: Radical Punishment, Yo! (Part 2).

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