chapter 3. Queen Anna of Arendelle

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Although the battle ended with victory but soon after it, people were starting to get worry. Arendelle were surrounded with fear and the feeling of unsettling, people still scared and afraid of what attacked them might show up again, and maybe the next time, they will be shown no mercy. 

After an awful long silence between them, Kristoff was the first to speak out, though his voice still seemed to be trembling, "What were those? Why were those things attacking us?" He seemed rather certain that Jack and the his fellow friends have the answer he wanted, and of course an answer that all Arendellians would like to hear.

"It was Pitch Black, the Boogeyman as you all may know. He's spreading terrors and chaos between worlds, and this I believe, is only one of he's many pit stop. He will return, it's only a matter of time, but we will try our best to stop it."  North answered solemnly, eyes piercing through each person that came in eye contact. Alas, he turned to the blonde young man again, and asked in a demanding tone, "but we would like to see your leader first, as in the Queen of Arendelle if I presumed correctly?"

"Yes... Yes of course. Queen Anna ought to know about all this commotion right this second. We will depart right now." As he said, he turned his head slightly towards the direction of the castle located in the middle of a sea, thoughts slowly deepen within every second.


This defense act of theirs definitely had their locations exposed. Jack was certain of it. If he assumed correctly, this victory they achieved just now will certainly catch Pitch's attention as Arendelle may be the only place that has resist his attack, and he will know almost instantly that they — the Guardians — were here, but they can't leave just yet. There's still something odd about this place — the being that helped them during the battle, what was it? Was it really a spirit as Kristoff had told them about? Or was it just a blind worship the Arendellians had made toward a god that might not be even true? 

No matter what was it, they need to figure it out as soon as possible before Pitch Black could ever strike back and scrape this place clean. The spirit, or whatever it is, might come in handy during their next battle to defeat Pitch Black once and for all. In fact, it might as well become one of their allies in defeating Pitch Black.

"So, the wind spirit, that's what you said right? What are they? What do they do exactly?" Tooth asked curiously while fluttering her wings to follow them. Before Kristoff could even answer, Olaf that was currently sitting on Sven's back spoke out first, "well Gale is one of our guardians that protected Arendelle and the forest when needed. But let me tell you, you do not want to piss them off, the last time King Runeard and the Northuldras pissed them off by starting a war, and that didn't end well, they were imprisoned in the forest by the spirits! Well not until we freed them from it, but my point is although they might have quite a temper, but under different circumstances, they'll always protect us."

"Well that's...nice of them."Tooth commented subtly, but then as if she was suddenly reminded of some things, she struck another question, but this time more demanding as her wings started to flatter much more faster than usual, "you said 'guardians', that means there's more of them? The spirits, there more than just one spirit in this world?"

"I'm sorry I don't want to rudely interrupt but I think we should know more about you guys first before all this. Like who are you, or where are you from, and why are you all here." Kristoff asked in a rather polite way, trying his best now to frown, and contained all his doubt in and not letting them out. Yes, these people did just saved them but he didn't know anything else about them, and they hold on to powers no one seen before, well other than Elsa. It's like he's been blindfolded and he didn't feel quite comfortable about it. 

"Yes, yes of course. My name is Nicholas St. North, though the tales often referred to me as Santa Claus, but you can call me North." North answered apologetically, it was then only Kristoff realized that this man has bright blue eyes that were now looking at him genuinely. Although this man might have a tall and immense body with a weird long beard, but his sincerity did just made most of his doubt disappeared when he himself didn't even noticed that. But wait a second...

"Wait, you're Santa Claus? The one person that children always hoped to show up during Christmas? You're real?"  Though he already knew the answer, he couldn't help but asked, which is a rather stupid move when he recalled it later himself. But still, how do you expect he react to all of this? 

"Wow I guess that's one of the good news for Anna huh?"His smile slowly appeared on his face as he turned and asked Olaf, which was responded with another nod. Even he himself didn't notice that but a girl always notice how a man will react when he is in love. And to Tooth, clearly he's in love with this Queen of Arendelle. 

"Well, I'm Tooth and the kids like to call me Tooth Fairy. You can call me Tooth too, that's how the others did." As Tooth introduced herself, she motioned towards the other guardians walking either beside them or behind them. "Guess you're quite close to the Queen of Arendelle huh?" She to asked in a more subtle way, but the smile on her face that grew bigger and bigger just spilled her thoughts all out. 

"Uh yeah, well, you could say so..." He said it with a thin blush, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Before he could even finish his sentence, Olaf exclaimed in a cheerful voice, which was attracting quite a lot of attention on the journey to the castle considering it was night time now. "Their wedding is gonna be held next month!"

With that, Kristoff didn't show any objection nor disagreement towards Olaf's statement, he simply blushed harder while softly bitting his lower lip to stop the smile that was growing bigger.

Ah, the looks of a man fallen in love. That must be how love felt like — sweet, warm, enchanting and endearing. As if you're willing to give your whole heart to another person that was once none other than another stranger.

Jack has fallen into another sea of thoughts, something he has never gave deep thoughts about — love.


By the time they reach the castle, it was already midnight. Only the fire that surrounded the castle were lit up with guards guarding the castle, but the windows were all blacken out. The castle was big, though it was very perfectly quiet at this moment, despise all the unusual commotion happened just now, the whole kingdom was supposed to be in sleep right now.

"Lord Kristoff and Lord Olaf, welcome back." One of the guards greeted them as usual and Kristoff only nodded to them.

Before he could even order the guards to open the gates, the gates had slowly opened from the inside, a woman's figure was revealed bit by bit. It was a brunette with fair skin and slender build, hair tide in a bun. She was wearing a dull pink cape over a dark outfit, both shoulder parts were each sewed with the symbol of Arendelle in gold  — a crocus. Though she looked quite in a hurry, a horse was already prepared beside her by a stablemen.

"...Your Majesty, Lord Kristoff and Lord Olaf has returned." Her turquoise blue eyes popped a little as she sees her husband and a snowman on a reindeer walked in with a group of strangers, not to mention some were not even in human form. Even though she has been through a lot with her sister lately and had witnessed much bizarre things before, she's not quite sure how should she react toward a huge bunny and a... partially human, partially bird kinda being? And not to mention they talk. 

"So you must be the Queen of Arendelle, huh?" Bunny raised a question when they finally got a full picture of the woman. She tilted her head slightly when she heard the question, eyes looking straight into his with thick curiosity.

"Yes, of course. It's Queen Anna of Arendelle."

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