chapter 14. Anna's Outrage

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They strolled through the corridors, passing a few servants which all bowed at the princess and bid good morning before continuing their daily tasks. Olaf wouldn't stop chatting with Jack about Elsa's power and her ability to control snow and ice. Though it was more to how Jack's power resembled hers that made Olaf's curiosity filled throughout their conversation. 

They were getting along quite well, he must say. But Her Highness just kept quiet, sometimes nodding at Olaf and him throughout the conversation. And sometimes, her thoughts seemed to be drifting away, her brows furrowed gently as she dwelled on her memories of the black sand being that appeared two days ago, adding up with informations provided by the Guardians. 

Those peculiar creatures — shape-shifters, she might even call it, seeing how they could just effortlessly transform into other life forms during the attack, she noticed something very much unusual about it, they can't kill or harm humans physically — well, not really, as far as she's concerned, not until they have gained a certain amount of energy. They fed of a sort of negative energy human possessed, something like...fear. Those negative emotions are what supplied them with energy and power, they sustained their life through those negativity and amplify it in people's mind, tricking them into exposing their darkest secrets and shadowy memories, made them feel vulnerable, and then strike. Snapping people's mind and wit. But if there's darkness lurking, there would be light too, even if it's hidden away, obscure and vague at the moment. She must hope — hope that there is still faith and trust in the kingdom. Or she would be left with nothing else.

As they reached the dining area, Anna and Kristoff were already sitting at one end of the long table situated right in the middle of the dining hall. North was sitting a few feet away from the Queen, with Tooth and Bunny sitting at the opposite side of Kristoff. They didn't sit too closely, still leaving some space between the both sides, though it's quite obvious, she must say, that between both parties does seemed to be having an unseen border line. But she soon dismissed the thought of it, and quicken her pace towards her sister's direction. "Anna." Elsa addressed her with a gentle tone, "you woke up early today."

"Morning. Hardly fell asleep last night." Elsa noticed her dark circles and the mild puffiness around her eyes, those glittering blue eyes just seemed to have lost its spark now, she only saw plain tiredness in them. Elsa's lips parted for a few seconds before pursing them together again, she didn't know what to say. It was times like this she felt helpless. She just wish she could take away all her burdens and placed it on her own shoulders instead. 

The others present greeted her as well. And after that, none of them spoke again, a heavy silence returned in the atmosphere. Though Kristoff looked much nervous than usual, his constant glare towards Anna wasn't something new, but things were different this time. None of them conversed with each other in front of her, and there was certainly no trace of the usual flirtatious attitude in between — which always made her frown in lost of words. He was worried about his fiancée, she can see it in his eyes. Elsa didn't say anything, her attention snapped back on Anna. Out of everything in this kingdom, despite the sand beings and foul enemies threatening Arendelle, she was worried for Anna more than anything.

There was a big gap between Anna and North, so she simply took a seat between them. The servants were quick enough to serve her meal before she could even order them too. Meals served for the past two days were quite simple, considering there were a large amount of people now having shelter in the castle due to severe property damages that took place two days ago, food supplies were getting a bit tight. Though no one complained about it, as there are larger problems at stake.

She scooped up a shallow portion of soup that was served in front of her and sip it in bits by bits, as she took her second scoop, her eyes unintentionally glanced towards Anna's direction. Again. The corner of her eyes took in Anna's visible weariness and exhaustion, she took another sip of her soup, still trying to think of a way to start a conversation with her sister without causing her to feel stressed out again, at least at the start of their conversation.

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