chapter 11. Just Like Him

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Everybody just stood still, nobody made a move until Elsa furrowed her brows and excused herself along with Anna. The silence was interrupted by Tooth's high-pitched squeal just a few seconds after the two of them left.

"My goodness, Jack, Jack, did you see her teeth? They're so white and clean! And it seems to sparkle..." As she continued to rambled about it, she glanced at the blonde woman's direction a few times again during her speech until she was interrupted by Bunny.

"Whoa whoa hold on, Tooth. She's the fifth spirit? For real?" Bunny too, looked towards her direction, gazing the blonde lady in disbelief, "but she's just a young girl! I bet she isn't even a hundred years old!"

"But you were once young too, weren't you?" Tooth shuddered her shoulders and crossed her hands, "when you were just a kit."

"Well yes, but..."

Their conversation just seemed to be drifting away from his attention, gradually, his regards were all placed on the blonde-haired princess. Her turquoise blue eyes that seemed to gleam under sunlight, her platinum blonde hair that was let down behind her back, a few strand of hair shifted across her shoulder as she move her head, her fair skin that revealed faint blushes on her cheek, maybe a little snowfall will do. But he's far more wary of their situation right now to get a hold of himself from blasting an eternal winter to help cool her down. 

This is just insane. 

His mind was in total blankness, nothing seemed to pop up in his mind. Jack just stood still, his pale lips parted slightly, he blinked hard at the sight of the two women. They were talking, but the conversation doesn't seem to be too delightful. Jack couldn't hear what were they talking about as they were quite far away from them by now, but not too far that he can't see her face. She was talking with the Queen, though not being able to hear her voice, he could still picture her speaking in her steady, firm pace. 

She looked so confidence.

As the conversation that was jumbled with bickering slowly soften and fell into silence, Jack finally shifted his gaze from the young woman and turned to look at the rest of the Guardians. But in return, he noticed them peering upon him, eyes filled with curiosity and...a slight of encouragement?

"Whoa guys, what's this all about?" Jack was startled by their reaction, he blinked a few times and asked with one of his brows lifted slightly. 

"Well, you were staring at her, aren't you?" Tooth answered him by tossing him another question, though there wasn't much doubt to be seen on her face. In fact, she seemed rather certain about it. She couldn't even hide her wide smile that appeared on her face.

"You think she's pretty, didn't you?" This time it was Bunny who was the one teasing him, he was playing with his boomerang in his hand for awhile before setting his attention on him completely by questioning him again.


He reached out his right hand and pulled his hoodie frontward to cover his head, though not being able to cover his entire face. For once, his pale cheeks seemed to be heated up a bit.

"It's okay Jack, nobody's going to judge you. After all you're still young when you died, nothing's wrong with chasing love..." His eyes widen in bewilderment, not knowing what to say. But Tooth's speech really just sound cringy to him.

North didn't took part in this whole "love" conversation at all, he just stood still on his original spot. His attention was fully set upon the two women standing not afar, though unlike Jack's inexplicable attraction he felt towards the platinum blonde woman, his thoughts were far more deeper and serious. 

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