chapter 13. Silence Before The Storm

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The sunlight was blazing through the windows of the castle, casting a few rays of sunlight on the corridors. The horizon of the sea just seemed to glisten and shimmer under the radiant sunlight. As she slowly tilted her head upward, her sight was blinded by the sun's distant glare, it causes her eyes to blinked subconsciously and turned her gaze away from the sun. 

It's a bit hot in here, isn't it? 

She quietly lifted her right hand up till her chest, her palm was facing upwards towards the ceiling as a tiny snowflake appeared a few inches right above her palm and it was hovered in a blueish tone of light. She stared at it for a few moments before finally shoving her right hand above her head and the snowflake was immediately launched above her and spread into thousands of much smaller sized snowflakes. They floated in midair and was glided down swiftly. It was almost instantly after she cast a snowfall, the temperature in her room dropped in the most apparent way.


She let out a soft sigh, her shoulders slightly slumped as her gaze was set upon a photo encased neatly in a dull photo frame. It was a photo coloured in gray-scale, she never really thought that it was as endearing as any of the paintings hung in the castle's corridor. The photo was in dull colours, but the memories that sparked in her were truly beautiful. 

It was a photo she took with Anna the other day right before her coronation party, she, of course, didn't miss it. Anna was exhausted after greeting and having small talks with all the cabinet ministers and councils, leaders and representative from Arendelle's neighbouring kingdoms. 

Seeing her little sister became more and more mature in handling things, she couldn't help but felt that her little sister was starting to become someone else — a matured woman who could handle many disadvantaging problems gracefully, who could face others' bad intentions by simply brushing it off gently while giving her opponents a hard hit silently with a smile. Anna's learnt a lot of things in the past years. She's growing into a fine young lady, and now, a young and lovable Queen with exceptional abilities and responsibilities. Elsa suddenly started to miss the old times, when her sister is still the quirky, playful little sister without having to be pressured by the councils and problems happening everyday. The old times where Anna would always be showing up by her doorstep every morning with a frisky smile on her face, ushering her to get dressed, then the both of them are going to head to the dining area with both of their hands held together. But of course, on certain eventful days, she would be the one that woke up earlier to prepare and arranged things to be done, after everything has all been set up nicely, then she would head to her sister's room and wake her up gently. It was almost a habit that Anna had since she was little, that whenever she was acknowledge of events that's going to take place the next morning, she would always sleep in on the second morning. 

Her brain suddenly decided to revisit her memories and instantly, all those scenes rewound itself before her eyes, those precious memories they shared was the only soft spot she had. That night, Anna sensed her sudden gloominess, though it's not quite obvious to the others but Anna was her sister, even if they didn't spend much time together as kids, but three years were quite long enough to know her sister more than she'd imagined. That night on her coronation day, she looked fine, constantly smiling and greeting those who approached her, but something seemed off about her. 

Right after the party ended, Anna quickly approached her. Elsa didn't want to show her low spirits at first but she just couldn't control her emotions, she couldn't conceal it anymore. That night, they talked about a lot of things, about the old days. Things changed after all those events happened. Her sister was growing up, and she won't be around to see her everyday. That actually upset her every time she thought of it. Anna stayed silence when she unveiled her emotions and thoughts. But then she too, revealed her feelings about all of this, and her thoughts about being a queen came into light for the first time. Anna was exhausted, pressured by all those Queen's duties that called upon her majesty even before the coronation. She never imagined the life of being a Queen would be this stressful. 

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