chapter 12. The Start of A Plot

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"Anna! You're back with Kristoff! Oh and Elsa! You're back from the Enchanted Forest too!" Olaf cheered in a pleasant tone. He hurried down from the stairs and ran as fast as he could towards the groups direction. 

"Hey Olaf." Elsa answered with her soft voice as she gently carried Olaf from the ground and hugged him. "It's been a while..."

"A while! It's been a whole week since you last came for the family dinner." Olaf exclaimed in faint dismay. "But now with this whole 'life or death' situation, we're gathered here again! And oh my, do you know that most of this 'causing people to be in immortal danger' situation is gonna draw us into another wild and uncontrollable adventure? Just like the time you went to Ahtohallan!"

"Uh huh, about that." Anna, who came along approached closer to the duo and let out a thoughtful sigh, "I'm actually not too positive that I could manage the whole situation myself if Elsa wasn't here." Her shoulders slumped low a bit as she bit her lower lip with obvious concerns on her face. Elsa gave her sister a glance and pursed her lips slightly, while reaching out her bare left arm to pull Anna into a hug, as if to comfort her younger sister.

They just stood there silently, Elsa only rubbed Anna's left shoulder quietly with her hand, as if she's actually saying "hey it's okay, I'm here". But sometimes, words itself couldn't express the exact feelings too, for this moment, it's needless for words to be spoken. They both knew what lies ahead of them, for the sake of Arendelle, and for their home, they need to make the right choices. But what exactly are they suppose to do to defeat their enemy? And what are the choices that are actually left for them? 

At that moment, Anna was actually feeling very much lost — mentally lost in her path as a queen. What should she do, how should she do it, what should she tell the people, how is she suppose to protect the kingdom... She honestly has no idea. It's just like a hit that whacked on her head, bang and there goes all her confidence in ruling this kingdom and protecting it perfectly from harm. 

If Elsa was still the Queen, how would she deal with all...this? Surely she'll put on a cold-hearted face, ordering the soldiers sternly, strategizing a perfect plan to win this war... She was trained to be the ruler of Arendelle since she was born as the firstborn of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna. She would be the rightful ruler of this land, everyone in the kingdom thought so, and even she herself were told so since a very young age. But at that kind of age, nothing really matters to her, except for having fun and delicious desserts. All she could see from a child's perspective was that being the next in line as the Queen was hard, tons of homework assigned to her, plenty extra topics to be learned, exceedingly less amount of time to have fun... Well, when they were little, her parents often used this as an excuse for Elsa not spending time with her and locked up in her little bedroom. Although it turns out not fully at cause but preparing to be the next Queen still played a big part in Elsa's childhood.

Everything went well at first, Elsa finally being crowned as Queen of Arendelle, the rightful ruler of this kingdom. But then she cracked, she exposed herself, and that led to her fear, fear of being discriminated by others, fear of hurting others. But it was also her fear that made Anna finally realized, that her sister needed someone. And then it ended in a happy ending, Elsa came back, with love and warmth of a caring and kind heart, and reclaimed her position as the Queen. It all went well, but there was always something bugging her. She often felt that Elsa wasn't really being able to embrace herself fully, truth to be told, yes there were love in her, but also fear that she buried so deep not even Anna could realized it until that night, last autumn.

And then it hit her, the trip to Athohallan helped her to realize her potential hidden behind her daily Queen's duty, and it helped her to finally being able to accept and embrace her real self. But her real self, her destiny as the fifth spirit just seemed to have drew Elsa away from her, from Arendelle, their home. And she didn't want to pressure Elsa into giving up her destiny and return to Arendelle, that just wasn't fair for her at all. And that left Anna — the next bloodline of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna — to take over her position as the Queen. She felt unease at first but she love her home, her kingdom. Always saying to herself that she could learn all these in time given and she will try hard for the love upon Arendelle. That feeling of unease might fade away a bit everyday but it didn't perish thoroughly as she expected. Instead, with her sister being the former Queen of Arendelle, things just felt far from grip as there were always compliment saying Elsa did it better than her, she would know what to do as a ruler even if the kingdom was about to face deadly situations, it wasn't a harsh comment, rather a quite reasonable one, even she herself thought of that too. 

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