chapter 6. The Hunt Shall Began

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He was pacing back and forth, his lithe figure was hidden in darkness, leaving the tail of his long robe to be carried along his footsteps. 

This place was once filled with wonders and joy, but now it's left with nothing but sorrow and fear. And he knew perfectly what had became of this place, he was the one that ruined everything. They would call him heartless, cold for doing so, but he wouldn't call it a disruption, to him, it's just...a transformation. People are cruel and naive, nothing stops them from destroying their land only for their own greed. They thought they could just seize whatever they want from nature, and yet not willing to return what they took. Nothing could really stop them — not earnest words or sweet dreams about nature — fear, is the only thing that could really terrorize them. He wouldn't hesitate a second to use it against them, after all, this was what he was born for, isn't it? To stop human and nature from perishing. He knew his purpose of existence long ago, long before the four Guardians arise. And he would never let them stop him again, not this time.

He glanced at the globe placed just a few steps beside him. There's not even one light shinning, they were all terrified, the world is wrapped with fear and nightmares. But there's something that suddenly caught his eyes, leading him to stop his constant moving pace. The globe that was once dull and lifeless glitched for a few times, then it suddenly turned bright and numerous light was blinking on the globe, as if nothing had really changed, and a few seconds after, the light faded away. The illusion disappeared and the globe returned to its original state, cold and dead.

Pitch Black's face remained emotionless, silver-golden eyes squinted as he held out his hand to touch the globe, and to his surprise, it's warm. Suddenly, he clenched his fist that was held out and hit the globe with full tilt, leading to the globe falling down from it's original position, rolling on the floor until it finally hit a wall. It bounced back a little, but that didn't bother him, because his attention was fully occupied. 

The original position of the globe was replaced by an image of another globe, one very much different from theirs. And lights surrounded most of the areas on the globe. 

His glance turned cold, something flickered within those eyes that resembled an eclipse. As his thought sunk slowly like an anchor tossed into a sea of storm, nightmares came and surrounded him in the form of horses, quietly pacing around him, sniffing him, as if some beasts hungry for food. He wandered his hand in midair and waved through them, leaving a handful of black dust dispersed in the air. 

After a few moments, he sensed something as he held out his hand and gestured it towards the image of the globe that was shimmering. And instantly, black sands began to flourished out from his hand held upon it, and a nightmare gradually formed into a figure of a horse. The nightmare slowly walked towards him, and suddenly gave a loud shriek that almost shook the whole place into wreckage. High pitch sound pierced into Pitch Black's ear as he unpleasantly held his hand out again and made a gesture of grasp, and instantly, the nightmare fell silence. 

A few seconds later, he let go of his grip, casting a cold look at it. 

He knew exactly where the guardians are, and they shall be receiving a to stay put while he have other plans intended.  

Without saying another word, he waved his hand and motioned it to leave before he left this place by disappearing into dust. 

And with that, the hunt shall began.


A new day has arrived as the first beam of sunlight laid on the surface of Arendelle, the night sky was forced apart and the sun was rising from the alleys. 

Anna was currently standing at the balcony, wearing the same outfit as yesterday, only her purple cape was absent. As she witnessed the sun rose and bloomed in the sky, lifting the color of the sky into a brilliant bright blue, a familiar voice sounded behind her, "Anna, you alright?" As the his tone grew worried, Kristoff quietly slid both his hands around her waist and hugged her from the back, his face was buried in her shoulder. 

Anna sighed quietly, but her unsettling heart was calmed down when she hears his soothing breathing. "Yeah I guess so, it's just...Arendelle I'm worrying about now. I've already sent Elsa a letter regarding this before the morning but that's the only thing I can do right now, I don't know what more can I do." 

Anna's voice was trembling, he could hear the shakiness between her words, he can feel her body trembling. Kristoff began to panic as he had never seen Anna been so low after that journey in the enchanted forest, he was silence for a few moments, but alas, he unclasped his hands that were hugging her from her waist, and turned her around. When she was finally standing in front of him face to face, he slowly tilted his head against hers, and their eyes met.

"...I don't know how can I help you this time but just remember that — you'll always have me, I'll always be right where you need me to be. You're not alone, we'll manage this together like we always did." His voice was soothing yet appealing. Their faces were only inches away from each other. Nobody shifted their eyes, brown ones met the blue ones. They were as if being thrown into a world only they knew and only existed for them. Words were needless for that moment.

They didn't let go of each other, well until a few disturbing noises startled them. It was from Anna's right side, they both quickly pulled away the distance between them, when they saw a young boy standing on one of the roof near them, a few bricks were falling off as he tried to steady himself from falling down. 

As Jack finally steadies himself on the roof with his staff, Kristoff questioned with a frown, his concern was visibly shown on his face. "Woah woah there, what are you doing there Jack! You almost fell!"

"Kristoff's right. What were you doing there anyway?"

"I was uh... talking to an old friend." He gave them a sheepish smile while saying so as he make his way to them by hoping on the bricks and lastly jumped and landed on the balcony. Seeing him approached them so effortlessly, Kristoff knew all his concerns were unnecessary, he is a spirit after all. 

"An old friend?" The Queen asked curiously while Jack only nodded at them. "The Man in the Moon." She slightly gasped when he said that, she remembered what North said to her last night, that the Man in the Moon was the one who sent them here, but for what purpoese still remain unsure. "Then where is he?"

Jack held out his hand and pointed at the sky, "he's there, it's just you can't see the moon in the morning." 

The Queen looked rather disbelieve at his words, but she wasn't able to raise her doubts yet as a servant came in and cut through the conversation, "Your majesty, General Mattias has arrived." 

"Ask him to wait at the council chamber for a moment, would you?"

"I'll do it right away, Your Majesty." 

"Jack, would you care to call the other spirits to the council chamber too? I think it'll be better if we could discuss about this together." Anna turned to face Jack as her voice instantly raised higher than before. Turquoise eyes gazing seriously at his bright blue ones. 


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