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Request: Is there any way you can make a one-shot where Baby Yoda finds the reader, injured and unconscious for whatever reason you decide (you're the author after all), and leads Mando to her?

Summary: After a mission gone wrong you find yourself in a tight spot, but things are not as bleak as they may appear.

Warnings: None

Word Count: 2869


Pulling hard on the excelerator you try to outrun the two smugglers on your tail.

Lets just say that this was a regular happening. You were a renown smuggler for the Hutt Clan,  an extremely cut throat business if you had to say so yourself. No one had your back, spoken deals were broken, and stabbing those dim enough to trust in the back was a no brainer.

You were known for the best fly skills in the quadrant, having made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs when you were just a teen. Of course you had gone with your parents when you had done it, they were so proud of you. The memory of their bright smiles was forever stained into your memory.

They said that with flying skills like yours you would go places. Maybe be an Imperial Fighter Pilot or perhaps go into business on Coruscant. But here you were now, a smuggler that has been banned from setting foot on fifteen planets.

It was not like you had done anything wrong... well in your book you were the perfect poster child. True, you did sell weapons as well as information that had hurt both the Empire and the Resistance but it was how you made a living.

Now that the organization that controlled most of your supply runs were gone, all those people you had stabbed in the back decided to get some revenge. Hell, you even crossed the leader of the Guild-- Greef Karga-- who no doubt had everyone Bounty Hunter trailing you now with those fancy tracking fobs and such.

With a grin you flip you ship, diving straight up into no mans space, seeing the stars twinkle around you as you maneuvered the blue and white Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor behind the men following you.

Locking onto the lead ship you fired, successfully striking their ship's wing, causing them to spin out of control, off into the void space. Now all that was left was one of his henchmen men. This was going to be more difficult.

Swinging side to side you tried making the Perpetrator's sensors lock-on, but he knew how to scramble your sensors by using an old trick that hide him from your view. Smashing your hands against the dash board you cursed. 

Why did things have to be so difficult?

Engaging manual firing sequence, a small eye piece came down from behind your seat, displaying the outside view of the modified hyper blasters you lined up your shot.

Taking calming breath you fired, at first you believed you had missed. The ship was still flying with just a scratch on its backside but not a second later it combusted, having hit the fuel line. When the smuggler engaged his thrusters it must have combusted.

Flying through the glittering remains you laughed, it was time to get those dung-beetles off your back. Seeing a planet up ahead you scan the surface: no large star ports, no large populations, and definitely off the radars of many.

"Perfect," you whispered. Being on the run from thousands of aliens had caused a strain on your life. Large eye bags hung from your supposed to be youthful face. Your hair had started to thin as well, resulting you just cutting it short into a bob to make the tension on your scalp lessen. The stress was finally taking its toll on you.

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